Exploring DDD in Go
Who am I?
Damiano Petrungaro
Who am I?
Staff Engineer @Odin
Who am I?
Milan, Italy
Who am I?
Manga and anime
1. What is DDD?
2. Strategic Design
3. Tactical Design
4. Sample codebase
NHS National Programme for IT (2011)
- Amount: ~£10 billion
- Duration: 2002-2011
- Ambitious Scope
- Changing Requirements
- Lack of Clinical Engagement
What is DDD?
Domain Driven Design
Understanding the problem
Domain Driven Design
Understanding the probem
Strategic Design
Tactical Design
Shaping the problem
Implementing the code
1. Understanding the problem
What is DDD?
2. Strategic & Tactical design
Strategic Design
Context Map
Strategic Design
Context Map
Notification (ext)
Billing (ext)
CS - Admin
Generic subdomain
Core subdomain
Support subdomain
Strategic Design (in Go)
package main
import "github.com/company/email"
func main(){
aEmail, err := email.NewAdminEmail("info@whatever.com")
cEmail, err := email.NewCustomerEmail("name.surname@gmail.com")
// email.go
type Email string
func NewAdminEmail(s string) (Email, error) {
// validation logic here
func NewCustomerEmail(s string) (Email, error) {
// validation logic here
Strategic Design (in Go)
package main
import (
func main(){
aEmail, err := admin.NewEmail("info@whatever.com")
cEmail, err := customer.NewEmail("name.surname@gmail.com")
// customer/email.go
type Email string
func NewEmail(s string) (Email, error) {
// validation logic here
// admin/email.go
type Email string
func NewEmail(s string) (Email, error) {
// validation logic here
Strategic Design (in Go)
Go package
Notification (ext)
Billing (ext)
Generic subdomain
Core subdomain
Support subdomain
CS - Admin
Strategic Design
Context Map
Strategic Design
Strategic Design
separate ways
Strategic Design
Separate ways
📂 company
┣ 📂 customer
┃ ┗ 📄 customer.go
┣ 📂 product
┃ ┗ 📄 product.go
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
📂 customer-svc
┣ 📄 customer.go
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
📂 product-svc
┣ 📄 product.go
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
Strategic Design
Cooperate: Partnership
📂 company
┣ 📄 pricing.go
┣ 📄 product.go
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
Strategic Design
Customer-Supplier: Conformist
📂 company
┣ 📂 order
┃ ┗ 📄 order.go
┃ ┗ 📂 admin
┃ ┗ 📄 admin.go
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
📂 company
┣ 📂 order
┃ ┗ 📄 order.go
┣ 📂 admin
┃ ┗ 📄 admin.go // imports company/order
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
Strategic Design
Customer-Supplier: Anticorruption Layer
📂 order-svc
┣ 📄 order.go
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
📂 admin-svc
┣ 📄 admin.go
┣ 📄 order.go
┣ 📂 acl
┃ ┗ 📄 acl.go
┣ 📄 go.mod
┗ 📄 go.sum
1. Breaking down the problem
2. Importance of packaging
3. Strategic design patterns
Strategic Design
Tactical Design in Go
Value Obejct
Tactical Design in Go
package order
import (
type emailInterface interface {
GetEmailValue() string
type email struct {
value string
func NewEmailAddress(address string) (emailInterface, error) {
if !isValidEmail(address) {
return nil, errors.New("Invalid email address")
return &email{value: address}, nil
func (e *email) String() string {
return e.value
func (e *email) GetEmailValue() string {
return e.value
func isValidEmail(address string) bool {
// validate email address format
return true
Value object - BEFORE
Tactical Design in Go
Value object - AFTER
package order
import (
var emailRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$`)
var (
ErrEmail = errors.New("invalid email")
ErrEmailFormat = fmt.Errorf("%w: not a valid format", ErrEmail)
// Email represents an email
type Email string
// NewEmail returns a new Email
func NewEmail(s string) (Email, error) {
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
if !emailRegex.MatchString(s) {
return "", ErrEmailFormat
return Email(s), nil
// String returns Email as string
func (s Email) String() string {
return string(s)
Tactical Design in Go
Aggregate Root
Tactical Design in Go
Aggregate Root - BEFORE
package order
import (
type Order struct {
ID string
Number string
Status string
PlacedBy string
PlacedAt time.Time
ShippedAt time.Time
DeliveredAt time.Time
func New(
id string,
number string,
status string,
placedBy string,
placedAt time.Time,
shippedAt time.Time,
deliveredAt time.Time,
) *Order {
return &Order{
ID: id,
Number: number,
Status: status,
PlacedBy: placedBy,
PlacedAt: placedAt,
ShippedAt: shippedAt,
DeliveredAt: deliveredAt,
package order
import (
type OrderManager struct{
// dependencies ...
func (mngr *OrderManager) MarkAsShipped(
o *Order,
shippedAt time.Time,
) {
o.Status = "shipped"
o.ShippedAt = shippedAt
func (mngr *OrderManager) MarkAsDelivered(
o *Order,
deliveredAt time.Time,
) {
o.Status = "Delivered"
o.DeliveredAt = deliveredAt
Tactical Design in Go
Aggregate Root - AFTER
package order
import (
// Domain errors raised by the order aggregate
var (
ErrNotShipped = errors.New("could not mark the order as shipped")
ErrNotDelivered = errors.New("could not mark the order as delivered")
// Order represents an order aggregate
type Order struct {
Number Number
Status Status
PlacedBy UserID
PlacedAt time.Time
ShippedAt time.Time
DeliveredAt time.Time
// Place places a new order
// It is a factory function that uses the ubiquitous language of the domain
func Place(number Number, placedBy UserID) *Order {
return &Order{
ID: NewID(),
Number: number,
Status: Placed,
PlacedBy: placedBy,
PlacedAt: time.Now(),
// MarkAsShipped marks an order as shipped
// It returns ErrNotShipped when the operation violated the domain invariants
func (o *Order) MarkAsShipped() error {
switch {
case o.PlacedAt.IsZero():
return fmt.Errorf("%w: not placed", ErrNotShipped)
case o.Status == Shipped:
return fmt.Errorf("%w: already shipped", ErrNotShipped)
case o.Status == Delivered:
return fmt.Errorf("%w: already delivered", ErrNotShipped)
// more logic here if needed
o.Status = Shipped
o.ShippedAt = time.Now()
return nil
// MarkAsDelivered marks an order as delivered
// It returns ErrNotDelivered when the operation violated the domain invariants
func (o *Order) MarkAsDelivered() error {
switch {
case o.ShippedAt.IsZero():
return fmt.Errorf("%w: not shipped", ErrNotDelivered)
case o.Status == Delivered:
return fmt.Errorf("%w: already delivered", ErrNotDelivered)
o.Status = Delivered
o.DeliveredAt = time.Now()
return nil
Tactical Design in Go
Tactical Design in Go
package repository
import (
type Order {
// some fields
type OrderOption func(*Order)
func WithCustomerID(customerID int) OrderOption {
return func(o *Order) {
o.CustomerID = customerID
type OrderRepository struct {
db *sql.DB
func (r *OrderRepository) Get(id string) (order.Order, error) {
row := r.db.QueryRow("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id = ?", id)
var o Order
err := row.Scan(&o.ID /** more data **/)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mapOrderToDomainOrder(o)
func (r *OrderRepository) CreateOrder(opts ...OrderOption) error {
order := &Order{}
for _, opt := range opts {
query := "INSERT INTO orders ("
values := []interface{}{}
if order.CustomerID != 0 {
query += "customer_id, "
values = append(values, order.CustomerID)
// Remove the trailing comma and space.
query = query[:len(query)-2]
query += ") VALUES ("
for range values {
query += "?, "
query = query[:len(query)-2]
query += ")"
_, err := r.db.Exec(query, values...)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (r *OrderRepository) DeleteOrder(id string) error {
_, err := r.db.Exec("DELETE FROM orders WHERE id = ?", id)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
Tactical Design in Go
package order
import (
var (
ErrGet = errors.New("could not get order")
ErrAdd = errors.New("could not add order")
ErrNotFound = errors.New("could not find order")
// Repo represents the layer to read/write data from/to the storage
// You can also consider splitting this interface into multiple ones
type Repo interface {
Get(context.Context, ID) (*Order, error)
Add(context.Context, *Order) error
Tactical Design in Go
package postgres
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
type Repository struct {
db *sql.DB
func NewRepository(db *sql.DB) *Repository {
return &Repository{db}
func (r *Repository) Get(ctx context.Context, id order.ID) (*order.Order, error) {
query := "SELECT id, number, placedAt FROM orders WHERE id = $1"
row := r.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, query, id)
if err := row.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: could not perform query: %w", order.ErrGet, err)
o := &order.Order{}
if err := row.Scan(&o.ID, &o.Number, &o.PlacedAt); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", order.ErrNotFound, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: could not scan resut: %w", order.ErrGet, err)
return o, nil
func (r *Repository) Add(ctx context.Context, o *order.Order) error {
query := "INSERT INTO orders (number, placedAt) VALUES ($1, $2)"
if _, err := r.db.ExecContext(ctx, query, o.Number, o.PlacedAt); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", order.ErrAdd, err)
return nil
Tactical Design in Go
Wiring it up
package internal
import (
// Errors that the application layer exposes
var (
ErrNotPlaced = errors.New("order could not be placed")
ErrNotMarkedAsShipped = errors.New("order could not be marked as shipped")
ErrNotMarkedAsDelivered = errors.New("order could not be marked as delivered")
// Service represent the application layer
// it depends on the domain logic and can be used
// by any infrastructure layer as domain logic orchestrator
type Service struct {
repo order.Repo
// Place places an order and store it in the repository
func (s *Service) Place(
ctx context.Context,
n order.Number,
uID order.UserID,
) (*order.Order, error) {
o := order.Place(n, uID)
if err := s.repo.Add(ctx, o); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrNotPlaced, err)
return o, nil
// MarkAsShipped marks as shipped an order and store it in the repository
func (s *Service) MarkAsShipped(ctx context.Context, id order.ID) (*order.Order, error) {
o, err := s.repo.Get(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrNotMarkedAsShipped, err)
if err := o.MarkAsShipped(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrNotMarkedAsShipped, err)
if err := s.repo.Add(ctx, o); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrNotMarkedAsShipped, err)
return o, nil
// MarkAsDelivered marks as delivered an order and store it in the repository
func (s *Service) MarkAsDelivered(ctx context.Context, id order.ID) (*order.Order, error) {
o, err := s.repo.Get(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrNotMarkedAsDelivered, err)
if err := o.MarkAsDelivered(); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrNotMarkedAsDelivered, err)
if err := s.repo.Add(ctx, o); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %w", ErrNotMarkedAsDelivered, err)
return o, nil
Wiring things up
1. Value object
2. Aggregate Root
3. Repository
4. Keep it idiomatic
Tactical Design
Example App
- Twitter: @damiano_dev
- LinkedIn: /in/damianopetrungaro
- Blog: damianopetrungaro.com
Thank you
Exploring DDD in Go
By Damiano Petrungaro
Exploring DDD in Go
Learn how to apply DDD to Go applications without compromising its unique idioms and language features. This talk covers tactical and strategic patterns with real-world examples and best practices, making it ideal for DDD beginners and those who previously struggled to use it in Go.
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