Damien Vurpillot (
Amsterdam, 30/06/2017
tech enthusiast
Where I come from
Never do a live demo
Pliny the Younger, Book I, letter 18, 5. - Letters
quoted by 'a lot of people'
quoted by Maurice
With manual inputs.
By fetching data from my phone.
1. Cesium library
Aspectus Project
Via Appia Project
3. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?
Cesium (WebGl)
Aframe (WebGL)
Added value ?
2. Presious
Ideas about Maurice Via Appia Project
Chris' Project
Hardware, what's next?
An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps
- Open-source
- Can be associated with databases (SQL and NoSQL)
- Heterogeneous data (mesh, point cloud, raster, vector, etc.)
- Efficient file formats (glTF, entwine indexing for point clouds, etc.)
- Active development
Small city in France facing severe economic troubles.
Project of economic revitalization.
Part of it is linked to local cultural heritage management and urban development.
Cesium seems a good medium to share multiple interactive layers of information to the public and also to help us manage the project.
Citizens' initiative is also fundamental to galvanize local activities and embellish the city.
Open source photogrammetry software
Historical photogrammetry example, mapping the evolution of Besançon between 1940 and 1956.
Chris' Project
It could be a big improvement over PattyVis for such an ambitious project. is good example of "Big Data" management capabilities with Cesium.
Aspectus Project
A digital workspace to visualize and annotate multimodal and multiscalar 3D data, for archaeology and cultural heritage.
Mixing a professionnal social network interface with highly efficient web visualization tools.
Aspectus Project
.Point Cloud (PCL)
Test: Spatial footprint, density, homegeneity
Cleaning: SOR filter, density threshold (relative to the object and its size)
Massive (>200M) = Entwine
else .laz or .pnts
big files
light files
less efficient
multiresolution glTF
.Multiscalar and multimodal
1. Landscape = PCL (Cesium)
2a. Site (excavation) = Mesh (Cesium) + PCL (Potree@metrology windows)
2b. Building = Mesh (Cesium) + PCL (Potree@metrology windows)
3. Dynamic layers (excavation step, etc.) = PCL (Potree)
4. Artefacts/Objects = Mesh (Aframe? => glTF viewer)
Each element from 2 to 4 has a queryable spatial footprint (polygon)
Aspectus Project
Front End
.laz, .pnts, etc.
.gltf (3D tiles)
spatial data
(json, kml, czml)
spatial footprint (polygon)
Metrology (isolation) =
Visualization (isolation) =
Via Appia Project
Going BIM !
Rebooting the Via Appia Project is also something Maurice is interested in.
For our projects, we are seeking to enrich 3D data with contextual information.
BIM systems seem to offer the right conceptual framework to achieve such intention and, again, Cesium seems flexible enough to handle this kind of interactions with our data.
In vulgar language:
- it can match fragments
- it can predict missing geometry from broken objects
- it can perform surface analysis
PRESIOUS will research and develop innovative methods and technologies to augment the geometric data of digital cultural heritage objects by predictive generative processes guided by geometry processing, analysis and shape matching methods for 3D objects.
(not precious.)
Virtual Anastylosis ?
Via Appia Project
A process using range based and image based modeling digital techniques, makes a 3D model which reproduces a hypothetical copy of the original model, assembling surveyed fragments, present in the excavation site, with elements philologically reconstructed on the basis of historical knowledge and documentation.
Canciani, M., Falcolini, C., Buonfiglio, M., Pergola, S., Saccone, M., Mammì, B., & Romito, G. (2013). A method for virtual anastylosis: The case of the Arch of Titus at the Circus Maximus in Rome. ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences II-5 W, 1, 61-66.
Virtual Anastylosis ?
Via Appia Project
.Photogrammetry = heterogeneous meshes with too many faces
1st decimation = averaging vertex density over the Via Appia artefacts to reach a relative homogeneity and a balance between accuracy/face count.
Presious pipeline relies on matching fractured surfaces and, optionally, enhance the matching by using prominent linear or curved structures on the intact regions.
A careful decimation can "smooth" surface noise and make relevant features more prominent.
Presious perfomance can get very bad very quickly with unoptimized meshes (memory usage above the sky).
It could also be a good idea to perform the subsampling directly from point clouds, since the decimation process from meshes may harm the spatial integrity of the object (even with specific rules enforced to "preserve" it).
Virtual Anastylosis ?
Via Appia Project
1st decimation
An initial spatial segmentation with a subset of artefacts, more likely to match each other, could help to perform the analysis on such a huge dataset (>2500 artefacts).
We can then iterate with non matching artefacts.
.Serious Gaming
2nd decimation = to make meshes "game ready"
Baking Physics Simulation = baking the results from Presious before rendering (real time physic simulation is killing the performances).
Starting Physic Interactions = only when artefacts bounding box are close to each other, meaning people are acting on said artefacts (magnetic link).
Virtual Anastylosis ?
Via Appia Project
.Serious Gaming
"Portal" game concept with multiple stages of "increasing" difficulty so that you don't load the entire Via Appia.
Mixing Presious matched artefacts with non matching artefacts.
Asking people to match artefacts by themselves in a more or less guided way (color difference between pre-matched and non-matched artefacts, etc.).
Visual representation of the "goodness of fit" (color, heatmap?).
Log results of the interaction to enhance our matching database.
Ludic way of performing a boring task.
Could also benefit a lot from the added value of Virtual Reality: space/volumetric perception and natural interactions with the controllers.
Virtual Reality ?
Booming growth of a new ecosystem surrounding the virtual reality industry
Added value: Immersion and enhanced volumetric perception
Added value: More natural interactions with 3D data
It can be a great tool but it is limited to circumstantial application and comes with technical and physiological constraints.
Augmented Reality ?
Has been around for a while, the big innovation being augmented reality glasses.
Added value: "Augmenting" reality with a new layer of 3D information.
Added value: More natural interactions with 3D data
The technology does not seem to be here "yet". The field of view is really narrow (30°×17.5°) and the computing power of wireless devices is limited.
It's enhancing one’s current perception of reality, whereas in contrast, Virtual Reality replaces the real world with a simulated one.
Hololens field of view.
Still, I have no doubt it will become an indispensable professional tool in a few years.
Yes, you can look at Cesium in Virtual Reality with your smartphone and a cardboard.
For the moment, it's more a gimmick than anything.
Aframe (from Mozilla) is on its way to become the next VR standard for the web (
Virtual Reality on the web ?
A nice example with economic statistics for Amsterdam.
It works with cardboard, htc vive and oculus rift.
What's next?
No one is seriously speaking about 2nd generation consumer VR headsets. The focus is about enhancing actual products (wireless, better controller, getting lighter, etc.) and cutting cost down toward mass market adoption.
Microsoft has been pushing assemblers (Asus, Lenovo, etc.) to release "cheapt" headsets (~400$) this winter.
Varjo big press release last week.
Only a prototype right now, with two super high density displays mounted on top of the Oculus Rift.
They want to achieve foveated rendering with "human eye resolution" at the center (~70 megapixels) and "regular" resolution on the side.
Phone solutions lack the power and the spatial tracking, but it's only a matter of time before it gets more than a gimmick.
What's next?
AR glasses technology is still a step behind VR in term of maturity. There is no real consumer grade device available on the market for the moment (it's mostly expensive dev kit/kickstarters).
New Hololens release in 2019?
Main contenders:
- Avegant Light Field
- Meta 2 headset
- Magic Leap
Avegant Light Field
Meta 2 prototype
•What possibilities do we foresee of Virtual Reality and Augmented reality?
• On which scale(s) could Virtual and Augmented reality be used?
• Which software and hardware developments are most useful and promising?
• How are we going to stay in touch?
• Which future research calls do we identify and who would want to do what?
Drinks !
It was great to meet so many individuals with great ideas and such a good insight into methodological and technical approaches for cultural heritage management and spatial analysis.
Thank you for hosting me at Spinlab this month !
Amsterdam 06 2017
By Damien Vurpillot
Amsterdam 06 2017
Amsterdam 06 2017
- 704