The Notebook

Work done by: Daniela Silva

Nº6    Class: 9ºC

Teacher: Célia Ferreira

Subject: English

About the Movie

This movie was adapted from a book written by Nicolas Sparks and Jan Sadi.

The movie arrived in Portugal in 2004.

Nicolas Sparks

Jan Sardi

Actors and Characters

Ryan Gosling

Rachel McAdams

Gena Rowlands

James Garner

Noah Jr.

Allie Hamilton


Noah and Allie fall in love with each other but their love was forbidden because her parents didn't like him because he was poor.

Noah knew an old house and one day he decide to show it to Allie so that in the future it could be their home. 


Noah is sent to fight in World War II.

He sent letters every day but her mom kept the letters and Allie ended up not seeing them. 

So as she thought they had broke up she starts to get  involved with another men.

When Noah comes back he rebuilds the house. 


Then they find out what had happened to the letters.

And after many fights they decide to come back together.

When they get old Allie gets Alzheimer, so Noah decided to write a book with their story so that whenever he read the book she could remember.

In the end they die together.



The End

The Notbock

By danielassilva