The Migrants' Files

  • news coverage
  • data Journalism
  • pan-European approach
  • collaboration

Not just an investigation: a methodology

The (initial) team

@nicolaskb (Journalism ++)

October 3 2013 - Lampedusa

I want [the Prime Minister] Letta to come down here and count the bodies with me  

Data? What data? 

Open Source Intelligence

Fortress Europe

Gabriele Del Grande, journalist

United Against Racism


University of Helkinsi

Creating our database

  • Structure
  • Organize
  • Deduplicate
  • Geocode

In the meantime...

...fill some FOIAs.

"Very low numbers of illegal migrants arriving to the Canary Island and more than a thousand of human lives saved- that is the outcome of Frontex coordinated operation Hera III"

Frontex Executive Director, Mr Ilkka Laitinen

  • Lack of data -> database
  • 23.000 verified deaths ('00-'14)
  • Walls = more dangerous routes

And now?

Let's count the money -or a part of it


  • The migrants' money (under)estimation
  • The migrants' money (under)estimation
  • The Europeans' money (under)estimation
  • Financial Transparency System
  • FOIAs to EU and governments
  • Investigation
  • The Europeans' money (under)estimation
  • The Europeans' money (under)estimation
  • Migrants and refugees have paid 16 billion euro to travel to Europe


  • The policy of forced repatriations has costed at least 11.3 billion euros to European taxpayers


  • Border control to prevent migrants' arrivals has costed 1.6 billion euros to European taxpayers


  • Finmeccanica, Airbus, Thales and Indra, that co-created the European border defence framework, are the biggest contractor for  R + D projects about migration

Full methodology of The Migrants Files' - The Money Trails can be found at



Newsletter at







TMF in Oxford

By danielegrasso

TMF in Oxford

  • 1,703