OZ Language

  1. Introduces the OZ programming language

  2. Mozart Systems programming

  3. Installation of Mozart  

  4. Write Hello World using OZ

What is OZ?

  • Multi paradigm programming language
    • logic
    • functional
    • object oriented
    • imperative
    • concurrent ...
  • Concurrency oriented language
  • Designed by Gert Smolka and his students
  • the typing discipline is dynamic.

What is Mozart system programming?

  • Software that implements OZ programming language
  • Developed mainly by  the research groups of Gert Smolka
  • Stable release Mozart 2.
  • Supports distributed and network applications 

Installation Linux plataforms


  1. Emacs 
  2. Tk8.5-dev
  3. go to the page http://mozart.github.io/  

Additional configurations

  • Add the variable of OZ to the path 
  • change the location of OZ
  • add the command export to the bashrc

Installation in Windows plataforms

1 .Download mozart for windows
2. Download the latest version for emacs
3. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables 
4. Add a new variable name OZEMACS with variable  value C:\emacs\bin\emacs.exe 
5. Add a new variable name OZHOME with variable value C:\mozart\bin\ozemulator.exe

Installation in Windows plataforms

7. Now in system variables Modify the path for adding the mozart executables and the path for emacs 
7.1 C:\mozart\bin;
7.2 C:\emacs\bin;
8. Download the latest version of Active TCL for windows.
9. Start to play with Mozart by running oz.exe

Hello World


{Show 'Hello World'}

OZ Language

By Daniel Santos