Maker Faires, Makerspaces, and Bridging the Digital & Physical Worlds Together
Dan Schneiderman
Who here is a maker?
What do you make?
Everyone is a Maker!
“Makers are producers and creators, builders and shapers of the world around us. Makers are people who regard technology as an invitation to explore and experiment, with the most inclusive possible definition of technology, meaning any skill or technique that we learn and employ. What we once called hobbyists, tinkerers, artists, inventors, engineers, crafters---all of them are makers.”
Dale Dougherty
Founder of Make Magazine, Maker Faire, Maker Edu
3D Printing
Open Source
3D Rendering
Laser Cutting
Maker Mindset
- Solving problems
- Design doing
- Prototyping
- Experimenting
- Making mistakes
- Always learning
- Cross-generational
- Sharing
- Play
A Brief History of the Maker Movement
Start of Civilization - 1950s
Making to Live, Arts, Crafts, 1st & 2nd Industrial Revolutions
Electronic Enthusiasts & Hobbyist Computer Clubs
1990s - 2005
PCs, Hacking & Hackerspaces
2005 - Make Magazine Launches, 1st Arduino released
2006 - 1st Maker Faire is held
2008 - Hackerspaces & Makerspaces start to pop up in the US
2009 - 1st Mini Maker Faire held, Kickstarter launched
2012 - 1st Raspberry Pi released, 1st Public Library Makerspace opens in Fayetteville, Maker Ed launched, Maker Faire reaches Europe & Asia
2014 - White House Maker Faire
2015 - National Week of Making organized by White House
2016 - Nation of Makers Non-Profit Created, Over 600+ Makerspaces in existence in US
Maker Faire
Greatest Show & Tell on Earth
8+ Maker Faires NYS
190+ Maker Faires World Wide
Physical locations where communities share tools and help each other make things
Dedicated Spaces
Temporary Spaces
Mobile Spaces
Makerspaces in Rochester & Buffalo
- Rochester Makerspace
- Interlock Rochester
- Adaspace
- The Construct @ RIT
- Rettner Hall @ U of R
- Monroe County Library System
- Sew Green Rochester
- Genesee Center for the Arts
- Buffalo Labs
- The Foundry
- Phelps Library
New York State Makerspaces
- 60+ Makerspaces
NYS Maker Network
More popping up across the state!
School Makerspaces
How to Start One
1. Space
- Do you already have a wood or metal shop
- What tools don’t you have
- Would a pop-up makerspace be better?
- take out the tools
- could fit in the library
2. Storage
- If in a nonpermanent space, where are you going to store your tools?
- Store projects
- Short Term?
- Long Term?
- Good first project
3. Sound
- Typical Makerspaces are louder than you think
- Tools will depend on how much noise can you make
- Need to be able to collaborate
4. Safety
- General safety of tools (think saws)
- Training
- Do you bring in experts to teach teachers
- Basic safety classes should be required before using any tools
- How the school handles outside people coming in
- School safety
- First Aid Kit - make sure to deal with this first
5. Use
- When will the space be used
- During school?
- After school?
- How to deal with the blank page?
- What projects do students want to build?
- What skills do students want to learn?
6. Tools
- Good knife
- Hot glue gun
- Soldering Iron
- Drill
- Screwdriver
- Wrench Set
- Safety glasses
- Gloves
- Pliers
- Sewing Kit
- Hand Saws
- Clamps
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduinos
- 3D Printer
- Laser Cutter
- CNC Machine
- Sewing Machine
Basic Things
Buy Later
7. Materials
- Cardboard
- Basic electronics
- Batteries
- Wire
- LEDs
- Resistors
- Duct Tape
- Glue
- Wood
- Assorted screws
- Recyclables
8. Community
- Ask for Materials
- Mentors
- Show off what your students have created
- School Maker Faires
- Post online
- Build for the community
9. Maker Programs
- Maker Ed
- Youth Makerspace Playbook
- FabLearn Fellows
- Autodesk Maker Program Starter Kit
- Just released!
& Areas to Explore
Citizen Science
Health Industry
Costumes & Cosplay
Adam Savage & Tested
Simone Giertz
Becky Stern
Anouk Wipprecht
The Tinkering Studio
Tips for Making
Make something. Anything.
Measure Twice
Make messes
Making Doesn't Have to Be By Yourself
Look at materials in unusual ways
Don't Be Afraid to Scale
Making Doesn't Have to be Serious
Always Be Curious
Recommended Reads & Resources
- Maker Ed
- Make
- Meaningful Making
- The Art of Tinkering
- Free to Make
- Maker Manifesto
- Tested
- Instructables
- Maker City Playbook
- Making Makers
- The Makerspace Workbench
- Zero to Maker
Save the Date!
- March 16th-18th - FIRST Robotics Finger Lakes Regional
- March 24th - NYS Maker Summit
- May 7th - Imagine RIT
- July 15th - FLX Maker Expo
- November 18th (most likely) - 4th Annual Rochester Mini Maker Faire
Contact Me
By Daniel Schneiderman
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