Launch Darkly

- 74 Users
- 40 added in the last month
- 1/3 Users from Detroit
- 19 Projects
- ~58 feature flags for Bankrate
Simple On/Off Use Case
Deposits - Scheduled Rates
Allow our support staff to schedule when certain rates appear on Bankrate's deposits rate tables.
Canary Use Case
Bank Reviews
Power bank review scores and content from new infrastructure.
Targeted User Use Case
Bankrate Homes
Ensure the Bankrate Homes content would only be available for internal users.
Target User & Canary Use Case
MyFi Deposits Rollout
Gradually increase traffic from MyFi from Legacy Bankrate APIs to new Deposits APIs.
Complex On/Off Use Case
Deposits - Click Processing
Incrementally test and replace our current pricing pipeline.{encryptedData}{jwt}

Stable Experience

Shadow Testing Pricing Event

Full Roll Out
Next Steps & Experiments
User Roles and Permissions
Flag Tracking & Technical Debt
Migrate homegrown feature flags
Increase adoption through education and evangelism
- Multivariate testing with server-generated views.
By Daniel Sims
- 125