Foundation Team

GraphQL Migration

Enterprise Support

GraphQL for Everyone

Deposits Rates API

A little complicated

Reduced amount of code by 75%

Community libs and framework

Deposits Rate Data

Importing the Data

3 Hours


C#, Golang, SNS,
Lambda & Cloudwatch


5 deployables

Better, Faster, Stronger

C# .NET, Golang, SNS,

Lambda, Cloudwatch


Golang, ECS

Faster Runtime

3 hours

3 minutes


~2400 lines

2 code repositories

5 deployables

~900 lines

1 code repository

1 deployable

What's Next?

  1. CD rate tables to send traffic to GraphQL.
  2. Integrate GraphQL with new Rates API
  3. Create rates through GraphQL

Foundation Team

By Daniel Sims

Foundation Team

  • 156