Горячие точки русской Википедии
1. Naming and grammar battles
The Egor Letov battles
- Started after Letov's death in 2008
- «Летов, Егор» vs «Летов, Игорь Фёдорович»
- Cause of death
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
BP battle
- BP vs Би-Пи
- BP can be read as Вэ-Эр
- ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Википедия:К_переименованию/14_июня_2011
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
Countries, cities, ethnonyms
- Беларусь vs Белоруссия
- (of course) в Украине vs на Украине
- Киевская Русь or Древнерусское государство
- Киев-Київ-Kiev-Kyiv, Харьков-Харків-Kharkov-Kharkiv
- Palestinians vs Palestinian Arabs
2. Ethnic conflicts
Middle East conflict
- Talks about 'Jewish lobby' on the Russian Wikipedia
- 'Occupied' or just 'disputed' lands?
- Legitimate criticism or antisemitism?
- ...not unique to the Russian Wikipedia, of course
- Did Ukraine have a fleet in 1917 — 1919?
- Is Ukrainian a language?
- Статья Донецкая Народная Республика
- Crimea (of course)
Armenian–Azerbaijani conflict
3. Politicians
Putin's amphoras
- Is this important enough to be on Wikipedia ("wiki is not a news site")
- Comparison to the Russian Wikipedia articles on foreign leaders
Source: putin.kremlin.ru
- No criticism?
- Hidden agitation?
4. Homosexuality & gender issues
Homosexuality & gender issues
- Гомосексуал vs Гомосесуалист
- What is the gender of a transgender person?
- Tchaikovsky — is this important enough?
Other 'hot' topics
- Religion (surprised?) and atheism
- Medicine
- Psychology and psychiatry
- Narcotics (NB legal issues here)
- Early history
5. Other lame edit wars
Other (lame) wars
- Драконология (War of Dragons)
- Mayonnaise can battle (early days)
- Сибирский язык (actually there was a 'Siberian language wiki' on Wikipedia)
Russian Alternatives
- Викизнание
- Циклопедия
- Традиция
- ...
Sources of info
- discussions and history pages ru.wikipedia.org
- Wikireality.ru
To know more from the inside ask him:
Russian Wikipedia
By danilsko
Russian Wikipedia
- 1,303