Diwali with Circuit Python

PyConf Hyderabad 2019

by Anwesha Das

Licensed under : CC BY-SA 3.0


Who am I?

What is Circuit Python?


What is Circuit Playground Express?

Lights, Camera,Code

Time for RGB

Blinking LEDs

Game on

Rock the floor

Thank you :

- Nina Zakharenko @nnja

- kattni @kattni

- Scott Shawcroft  @tannewt

- Nicholas Tollervey @ntoll

- John Hawley @warty9



- Carol Willing @WillingCarol


You can find me :


twitter : @anweshasrkr


emalil : anwesha@das.community




Diwali with Circuit Python

By dascommunity

Diwali with Circuit Python

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