Test your Nashorn JavaScript with JUnit, Groovy Spock and Jasmine

Niko Köbler

Independent Software-Architect, Developer & Trainer

niko@n-k.de            > www.n-k.de            > @dasniko

JavaScript on the JVM

Spock Testframework

> testing framework for Java and Groovy apps

> beautiful and highly expressive specification language

> JUnit runner

> inspired from  JUnitRSpecjMockMockitoGroovyScalaVulcans, and other fascinating life forms.



Let's see some

Thank you!

Any Questions?

Niko Köbler

Independent Software-Architect, Developer & Trainer

niko@n-k.de            > www.n-k.de            > @dasniko

Nodyn and Vert.x:
Running Distributed Node.js Apps in JVM Environments [CON2133]
Wednesday, Oct 28, 4:30 p.m. | Hilton—Golden Gate 6/7/8

Test Nashorn JavaScript with JUnit, Spock & Jasmine

By Niko Köbler

Test Nashorn JavaScript with JUnit, Spock & Jasmine

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