Confiscated Goods
a data-driven investigation

Andrea Nelson Mauro


Confiscati bene, the beginning

In March 2014 a map of confiscations in Italy was built during an open data hackathon in Italy (Spaghetti Open Data). Data had previously been trapped inside the National Agency For Goods Seized and Confiscated website, but was liberated via the tricks of scraping. 

Civic hackers + data journalists

Looking forward,

we’re doing database journalism

Map of confiscated assets in five countries

Value of almost 4 billion euros a year in all of Europe

Publication Day

16th December 2016

The cross-border data project Confiscated Goods focused on five main European countries, each with its own peculiarities when it comes to confiscation and freezing of assets: Italy, France, Spain, Germany and the UK.

Look in the data,

find the stories

A luxury French villa in Beausoleil rented by its owner eight years after being “confiscated” by the state illustrates Europe’s failure to manage efficiently billions of euros of criminal assets.

Look in the data,

find the stories

It cost up to 90 euro a night per person to stay in the luxurious house and dive into its pool. It took the French agency and the police more than a year to evict him and put the house on auction, where it would be bought by a mysterious Italian buyer for 780.000 euros. 

Civic monitoring and

video storytelling

January 2016

We’re working together with Libera to build a bigger project involving a network of volunteers all around Italy


Andrea Nelson Mauro |

Confiscated goods: civic hackers and data journalist1 / Bozen

By Dataninja srls

Confiscated goods: civic hackers and data journalist1 / Bozen

VJSS Bolzano - 1 lug 2016

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