State of Social Knowledge

Alessio "jenkin" Cimarelli |

Dataninja Reunion 2016/2

Bologna, 01/10/2016

Le origini

Gli anni '30

Alan M. Turing

"On computable numbers, ..." (1936)

Il calcolatore universale e la moderna teoria della computazione

Alan Turing

1912 - 1954

Da studiare...

  1. Alan M. Turing, On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem, 1936 (pdf)
  2. Alan M. Turing, Computing Machinery and Intelligence, 1950 (pdf)
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Da leggere...

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Le origini

Gli anni '40

Claude E. Shannon

"A Mathematical Theory of Communication" (1948)

La moderna teoria dell'informazione

Claude Shannon

1916 - 2001

Da studiare...

  1. Claude E. Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication, 1948 (pdf)
  2. Claude E. Shannon, Programming a Computer for Playing Chess, 1949 (pdf)
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Da leggere...

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Le origini

Gli anni '40

John von Neumann

"First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC"

L'attuale architettura dei moderni calcolatori (1945)

John von Neumann

1903 - 1957

Da studiare...

  1. John von Neumann, First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC, 1945 (pdf)
  2. John von Neumann, Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata, 1966 (pdf)
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Da leggere...

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Le origini

Da leggere anche...

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I fondamenti

Teoria delle reti

Da studiare...

  1. Leonhard Euler, The Seven Bridges of Königsberg, 1741 (pdf)
  2. James Sylvester, Chemistry and Algebra, 1878 (pdf)
  3. Frigyes Karinthy, Chain-Links in "Everything is Different", 1929 (pdf)
  4. Frank Harary, Graph theory, 1968 (book)


Da leggere...

  1. AAVV, The Erdös Number Project, 1995 (site)
  2. AAVV, The Oracle of Bacon, 1999 (site)
  3. Albert-László Barabási, Linked: The New Science of Networks, 2002 (book)

I fondamenti

Reti neurali artificiali 

Da studiare...

  1. Warren McCullogh, Walter Pitts, A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity, 1943 (pdf)
  2. Donald Hebb, The Organization of Behavior, 1949 (book)
  3. Frank Rosenblatt, The perceptron: A probabilistic model for information storage and organization in the brain, 1958 (pdf)
  4. Paul Werbos, Beyond Regression: New Tools for Prediction and Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences, 1975 (pdf)

Da leggere...

  1. Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 2016
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I fondamenti

Teoria del caos e frattali

Da studiare...

  1. Jules H. Poincaré, Sur le problème des trois corps, 1890
  2. Edward N. Lorenz, Deterministic non-periodic flow, 1963
  3. Benoît Mandelbrot, How Long Is the Coast of Britain?, 1967
  4. Mitchell Feigenbaum, Quantitative universality for a class of nonlinear transformations, 1978

Da leggere...

  1. Edward N. Lorenz, Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?, 1972 (pdf)
  2. Benoît Mandelbrot, The Fractal Geometry of Nature, 1982 (book)
  3. James Gleick, Chaos: Making a New Science, 1987 (book)

I fondamenti

Sistemi complessi

Da leggere...

  1. Morris M. Waldrop, Complessità. Uomini e idee al confine tra ordine e caos, 1996 (book)

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Da studiare...

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I fondamenti

Da leggere anche...

  1. Karl von Frisch, The Dancing Bees: An Account of the Life and Senses of the Honey Bee, 1953 (book)
  2. Ludwig von Bertalanffy, General System Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications, 1968 (book)
  3. John H. Conway, Game of Life, 1970 (pdf by Martin Gardner)
  4. Stephen Wolfram, A New Kind of Science, 2002 (book)
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La Rete

I personal computer

Da studiare...

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Da leggere...

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La Rete


Da studiare...

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Da leggere...

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La Rete

Il Word Wide Web

Da studiare...

  1. Tim Berners-Lee, Information Management: A Proposal, 1989 (html)
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Da leggere...

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La Rete

Il software libero e aperto

Da studiare...

  1. Richard Stallman, Il Manifesto GNU, 1985 (html)
  2. Open Source Initiative, The Open Source Definition, 1998 (html)
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Da leggere...

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La Rete

Da leggere anche...

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Le tecnologie di oggi

  • Linguaggi di programmazione, di markup e formati di dati
  • Sviluppo web: programmazione lato server e client
    • Server: php, python, javascript, database, ...
    • Client: HTML, CSS, Javascript[, ...]
    • Dati: XML, JSON, ...
  • Crittografia a chiave asimmetrica
  • Virtualizzazione
  • Calcolo distribuito
  • Machine Learning

Le tecnologie di domani

  • Internet of Things
  • Piattaforme peer-to-peer
  • Blockchain e Torrent
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  • Mesh networks
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  • Computer quantistici

Hanno contribuito...

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State of Social Knowledge

By Dataninja srls

State of Social Knowledge

Breve carrellata delle principali tecnologie informatiche dagli anni '40 al prossimo futuro discussa durante la seconda Dataninja Reunion. Bologna, 01/10/2016.

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