The migrants' files, one year later

Alessio Cimarelli / @jenkin27

The power of data at the service of humanity

Internet Festival - Pisa, October 11, 2014 (page)

From 2000 to 2013

more than 23,000 migrants have died

trying to reach Europe

Each bubble is a shipwreck and its size is proportional to the number of dead and missing

+ 3,000 from January to September 2014

The origins

A meeting

Many interests

An idea



The grant


The award

The team

The investigation was performed by 8+ people from all over Europe including journalists, data scientists, developers and more, thanks to a mailing list and an on-line shared platform, funded by a cross-border grant of 7,280 € by Journalism Fund.

The sources

Fortress Europe

An independent observatory of Gabriele Del Grande, journalist, activist (and now film director)

The fatal policies of Fortress Europe

A project by UNITED for Intercultural Action, an European network of associations and NGOs


A project of Web-scale Surveillance of News Media powered by the University of Helsinki

The results

MARCH 31, 2014


The investigation was published simultaneously on 9 newspapers from 6 different European countries, creating a widespread distribution

2000+ tweets (counting)

36+ articles

11 different languages

1 prize

The effects

Discussion on Twitter with Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Home Affairs

We donated the Data Journalism Award (2,000 €) to our main sources: Gabriele del Grande and United, who now continue to collect useful data

The International Organization for Migration used our open data to compile its annual Migrant Fatalities Worldwide report

The largest database of victims of migration is open: accessible, browsable, searchable, downloadable, reusable, by anyone and for free

Mare Nostrum, the Italian program born one year ago, had positive effects to take into account for next Frontex Plus (or Triton)

Further resources


Alessio Cimarelli / jenkin


The migrants' files, one year later

By Dataninja srls

The migrants' files, one year later

On October 3, 2013 about 386 people died off the coast of Lampedusa. In the same time a team of journalists received a grant from Journalism Fund to perform a data-driven investigation on victims of migration towards Europe. One year later we remember the dead and missing and retrace the history of "The Migrants' Files" investigation at the Internet Festival in Pisa (October 11, 2014).

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