


Part I 

The Flow 

The 7 problems game


Do not break the flow

They told you

"Do not use your mouse if you want to be productive"
- Vincent Sepiak (java)

"efficient, painless, mouse-free development is possible"
- Jared Carroll (ruby)

"Navigate a menu with [the] mouse interrupts the flow."
- Pragmatic Programmer tip


1 - typewriting

2 - commands

Exercice 1

pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs, the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Exercice 1 grading

20 points if < 30 sec, else 17 points

Divide score by 2 if any of these :
 - you have made a mistake
- you look at sth else than the screen
- you used less than 9 fingers

Part II : Anatomy of a keyboard

Dividing line

Initial hand positions

Initial hand position

finger tip

Exercice 1 reboot

pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs, the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Part III 

Common tasks

with commands

Exercice 2

create fileA.txt in folderA
please do the same with B, C and D


Exercice 2 bis


then move all 4 newfile* to folderB
then delete all newfile*

Exercice 3


Exercice 4

Jump to

Exercice 5

find and replace

Part IV

Automatisation stuffs

The snippet

The plugin

The macro

Part V  

 Skyrocketing shortcuts


What happened to keyboard

Should not happen to shortcuts

Well balanced modifiers


Save : Ctrl + s
Print : Ctrl + p
Cut   : Ctrl + x
Quit  : Ctrl + q

Ease of use matters

source : caewatch.com

Number of shortcuts

Eclipse : ~ 200
Webstorm :  ~220
SublimeText :  ~250

But wait !

Shift -> already binded
Ctrl -> already binded 
Alt -> already binded
Super -> already binded

Good, then

source : darkvision hardware

Keyboard WTF 1

too long shortcuts

examples :

super, k, super, b

alt, t, o, a, alt+k, spacebar, enter

Keyboard WTF 2

grey shortcuts

Rename : shift+ f6 ?

delete : ctrl + shift + k ?

delete : ctrl + y ?

Good shortcut

Easy to memorize with hand
Optional : easy to memorize with brain 
Easier if fallback (abbreviation, context menu, cheat sheet)
Principle of least surprise applied
Extensions are logical
Frequency and ease of use are proportional

... but try to understand native shortcuts before to customize

Exercice 7

Try to define easy access to shortcuts following the preceding rules

Part VI

Web goodies




JS at lightspeed

By david borow

JS at lightspeed

  • 1,535