Some information about


Task Automation


  • Various reasons you should know how to do it
  • Various ways it can be done
  • Various situations that call for it
  • Various examples of various ways to do it, for various reason, in various situations that call for it


Examples live in a Github repository:


  • A frontend developer with experience working on
    • smaller, design-focused sites with quick turnaround (at an agency)
    • large-scale, long-term web applications, where maintainability is top priority (at my current job)
  • Currently work at HealthTrio, buliding a modern, React-based frontend framework to replace the outdated UIs of multiple applications
    • We are hiring more frontend devs to help me!     -     @davidtheclark

What I mean by


  • Establish a way to do something that needs doing.
  • Create a simple command that will do that.

Why automation with Node makes sense for people like us

  • It's JavaScript
  • It's the dominant platform for frontend tools, especially tools related to JavaScript

Modern frontend development demands


Without task-automation, you are causing needless suffering.

  • Your authoring process suffers.
  • Your code quality suffers.
  • Browsers (and their users) suffer.

author-optimized !== browser-optimized

  • Concatenation
  • Minification
  • JS modules
  • Unsupported syntax: ES6, Coffescript

Code quality should be automatically enforced

  • Linting
  • Tests


If it's not automatic people will let it slide!

Automation opens up possibilities

Happily do all those things you would not want to do manually, every time.

  • Spritesheets, SVG sprites, custom icon fonts (Grunticon)
  • Duplicating images at multiple sizes, each optimized, for <picture>
  • Inlining critical CSS and JS
  • Analyzing code in various ways (e.g. list-selectors)
  • Making major mindless changes (e.g. qualifying legacy CSS)

A few ways to automate tasks

  • Grunt
  • gulp
  • npm scripts
  • straight Node


We'll elaborate on these with an example ...


Github repository:

Task One: Styling

  • Author in multiple SCSS files without vendor prefixes
  • Output a single prefixedminifiedvanilla CSS file for the browser
  • Development: re-compile on save & refresh browser with BrowserSync


  • Input-output: read files, perform a single task on contents, write new ones (repeat for every task)
  • Configuration: gruntfile.js = wrapped config object
  • Synchronous: next task won't start until previous task is completed
  • Plugins wrap Node scripts

Basic usage:

  • Install grunt locally, grunt-cli globally
  • Install (locally) the plugin that does what you want done
  • Setup the configuration in gruntfile.js
  • Use the command: grunt [task[:target]]




  • Streams (piping): read files, perform multiple operations, write new ones
  • Code: gulpfile.js = Node script
  • Asynchronous (or synchronous): Multiple tasks can run asynchronously. This helps with speed.
  • Plugins wrap Node scripts

Basic usage:

  • Install gulp locally and globally
  • Install (locally) the gulp plugin or other npm module that does what you want done
  • Write some code to use it in gulpfile.js
  • Run


Source File Transformation A  Output File #1

Output File #1  Transformation B  Output File #2

Output File #2 Transformation C  Output File #3


Source File  Transformation A 


                          Transformation B


                          Transformation C  Output File #1

npm scripts

  • Directly use a Node module's CLI (command line interface). No middle-man plugin. 
  • Write commands in package.json
  • Synchronous by default, but can be made async (or even parallel)

Basic usage:

  • Install the npm module that does what you want done and has a CLI
  • Write down your repeatable command in package.json
  • Run

A few more notes about npm scripts

  • Commands have local modules in their path: no need for global installs
  • Commands can call other commands
  • You can use regular old command line streaming with | and >
  • You can run commands at the same time (like gulp's async) with a tool like parallelshell
  • Generally, you can directly use the npm modules that Grunt or gulp plugins depend on
  • There are ways to make the commands more flexible, with configuration variables and passing arguments through to the command

Why might I want to cut out the middleman?

("middleman" = runner + plugin)

  • More modules to choose from
  • Fewer possibly buggy interfaces
  • Fewer maintainers to rely on
  • More knowledge about the module itself = more flexibility in the long run
  • General attitude of minimalism

Write a Node Script!

  • Directly use a Node module's JS API. No middle-man plugin and you can throw in arbitrary JS. 

  • Write a script wherever

  • Asynchronous or synchronous, whatever you write

  • Allow for CLI-style arguments, if that fits you needs

To do it:

  • Write JS
  • Run, via > node [script]

Task Two: JavaScript and Browserify

  • Author JS in multiple ES6 modules

  • Output a single linted, uglified, ES5 file

  • Development: re-compile on save & refresh browser with BrowserSync

Pros/Cons: GRUNT


  • For JS beginners: Not really code

  • No async-related confusions



  • Non-stream style can make sequential tasks confusing (plugins overreach to compensate)

  • Non-stream + sync + overhead = relatively slow

  • Not flexible or customizable (unless you start writing your own plugins)

  • Plugin and runner intermediary

>> Missing anything? <<

Pros/Cons: GULP


  • Intermix regular npm modules, gulp plugins, and arbitrary JS
  • Flexibility of real JS plus useful API and conventions for tasks (reading-transforming-writing, watching, chaining)
  • Streams end up making more sense, more often than Grunt's isolated tasks

  • Streams + async = fast


  • Async can cause some confusion, some getting-used-to

  • Plugin and runner intermediary

  • Not always as friendly with non-gulp JS as you'd like (esp. different streaming formats)

>> Missing anything? <<



  • No intermediary between the module and you

  • Sync or async, stream or non-stream

  • Learn how to use the tools themselves, and some bash

  • Simple simple simple (usually)



  • Complex commands can become harder to read than JS

  • Cannot insert arbitrary JS

  • Sometimes its harder to find help and examples

>> Missing anything? <<



  • No intermediary between the module and you

  • Sync or async, stream or non-stream

  • Arbitrary JS = ultimate control, if customization is priority

  • Learn how to use the tools themselves

  • Be a real Node programmer, not just a pre-packaged workflow consumer



  • Might end up reimplementing patterns built into gulp/Grunt, running into problems they make it easy to avoid

>> Missing anything? <<

Task Three: Webpack to make a Shareable Library

  • Author a React component in multiple ES6 modules using JSX syntax

  • Output a single linted, uglified, ES5 file that expects React as a global and exposes its own global

  • Also output linted, ES5 module files that can be consumed via CommonJS by other Browserify/Webpack users

  • Development: webpack-dev-server

QUESTIONS?     -     @davidtheclark

JavaScript-Powered Automation

By David Clark

JavaScript-Powered Automation

  • 673