Docker on Azure
May 2016 JaxARCSig
- What are Containers?
- New Docker Beta
- Docker Commands
Docker Facts
- Project started out dotCloud
- Written in Go
- Using Linux Isolation features of namespaces and cgroups
- Offer services like Docker Hub and Docker Cloud
- Windows 2016 Server is adding Docker
Docker Beta
- Uses hyper-V on Windows
- Use xhyve on Mac OS X
- Remove need for Oracle VirtualBox
- Containers coming to Windows 2016
Docker terms
- Docker Engine
- Docker Machine
- Docker Compose
- Docker Swarm
- Docker Hub
- Docker Cloud
Common Docker Commands
- docker build
- docker run
- docker run -i -t
- docker run -d
- docker attach
- docker ps
- docker ps -a
- docker commit
- docker-machine ls
- docker-machine create
- eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
- docker-machine start
- docker-machine stop
- docker-machine kill
Docker Compose
- Organize your containers and services
- docker-compose.yml
- 'docker-compose up' to deploy containers
- Gives an abstraction for deploying multiple services
Docker Swarm
- Combine a pool of Docker hosts into 1
- Can create Clusters
- Uses Docker API
- Discovery Services
- Scheduling
Docker Hub
- A host for containers
- Publish your containers
- Search Public repositories
- Pull down to build containers
Docker Cloud
- Deploy to your own cloud
- Define a node
- Define cluster of nodes of same type
- Cluster Nodes have to by of the same provider
- You can use with AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean or your own hosts
Building Containers
- Start with base image
- Use Dockerfile to define and set up
- Can run and commit, but better to use Dockerfile
- For Nodejs apps, split the npm install and adding code step into separate steps
FROM node:6.2.0
RUN mkdir /src
COPY package.json /src
RUN npm install
ENV foo bar
# Add your source files
COPY . /src
CMD ["npm","start"]
Dockerfile commands
- FROM specify base container image
- ADD/COPY lets you add files to container
- RUN will let you run a Bash command
- CMD takes an array of commands
- ENV sets up an environment variable
- EXPOSE exposes a port
- USER to set the user
- WORKDIR to set the directory your working dir
Docker Build
bash > docker build -t username/container:version /src
Docker run
bash > docker run -d -p 80:3000 username/container:version
Provision Docker on Azure
bash > docker-machine create --driver azure --azure-subscription-id <subs-id> <machine-name>
Azure Docker tips
- Use new management portal
- Turn off when not using
- Delete storage when not used
- Add ports to firewall that you need
- --azure-open-port
Honorable Mentions
- Kubernetes
- Mesos
- Heroku
- David Fekke @ gmail dot com
- Twitter @JaxNode
- Skype: davidfekke
Deploying Docker to Azure
By David Fekke
Deploying Docker to Azure
These are the slides for the May 2016 JaxARCSig meetup. This presentation will cover deploying applications with Docker to Azure.
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