Creative Ways To Give Medicine To Your Emotional Support Dog


If you have ever had to give medicine to your emotional support dog, you know how strenuous it can be. Some dogs are really masters at not taking their medicines either liquid or a pill. They avoid eating and start running if you go to them with the intention of giving medicine to them.  In this article, you’ll learn some helpful and creative tips to give drugs to your emotional support dogs. Get ESA Letter for your dog before its too late.


Animals often get sick and there are plenty of reasons for it such as eating unsuitable diet, being in an unfavourable environment, got a little injury etc. And sometimes it becomes mandatory for your dog to take his medicine and it is totally your duty to get this job done.

Here are some intelligent tricks to get your dog to take his medicine.


Wet, High Food

Mix a pill or liquid drug in your dog’s wet food that has a strong smell and could cover the smell of the medicine. Canned salmon works well with this idea. As you know that dogs have a strong sense of smell and it is really tough to trick them so make sure to serve your dog with his favourite funky food.


Add Little Drama

Though dogs are very clever and hardly get tricked still they could be trapped by creating a little drama or competition. If you have other pets or ESAs as well, you can bring them food and can shoe your emotional support dog and when he will come to eat, you should present some options and hide the pills in them. Dogs are somehow greedy and get excited easily. So, when you’ll do this, they’ll eat up whatever you give them without thinking over it. For proper health cheakup you should have emotional support animal letter for your pet.

Turn Into A Fun

Set 2 to 3 treats for your dog that is his favourite. Put the pill or liquid in them. Through them up in the air and ask him to hunt. Dogs love this game and you should get benefit from this. They just focus on the game and their mind never strikes that the treats could have medicine in it.


Put On A Capsule

Most common medicines given to dogs like metronidazole and tramadol are particularly bitter in taste. You can fake them and make them a bit easier to take by putting them in an empty VCAPS. These capsules are sticky and could be stuck in your dog’s throat so make sure to give them in wet food. Buy ESA Letter online for your animal.


Make Their Meal Infront Of Them

Some dogs stop eating food as they think that you’ve mixed the medicine in it. What you need to do is, make a portion of food like meatballs for him and hide a pill in it. Call you emotional support dog in the kitchen and prepare his meal in front of him. Put a medicine on the shelf and do not add it in the meal and act like you’re very busy.


Your dog will be observing you and will feel that you’ve forgotten to put medicine in it and will eat the meal thinking he is very smart.


If your dog gets sick and you’ll not be able to medicate him then you must take him to pet’s hospital. Some pets hospitals are quite expensive but you can ask them for a discount by presenting your emotional support dog letter. There are so many non-profit organizations who help ESA owners who have low-incomes to feed and medicate their emotional support animals. You can also contact online pet clinics and can look if they offer free check-ups or consultations.



Useful Resources:

Shouldn't something be said about Giving ESA As A Gift? Unconventional But Amazing!
Would You Like To Feed Your ESA Pet With Vegetarian Diet?
Definitive Guide: How Your Emotional Support Animal Help You With Phobias?
Is it Okay to Have More Than One ESA?
Difference Between ESA And Pets?

Creative Ways To Give Medicine To Your Emotional Support Dog

By davidmick

Creative Ways To Give Medicine To Your Emotional Support Dog

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