Code Splitting Made EASY

David Novicki


  • The Old
  • The New
  • Our strategy

The Old

1 Bundle
Extra Code


Multiple roundtrips

• Increased latency for serving     multiple assets

• Favored single large bundles over many small


Large App Bundles

Shipping entire application in one large payload.

• Exponential latency over long            distance

• Long loading times

• Even longer scripting times


Extra Code

Delivering code we may not need

• Bulky

• Do something never is faster than   doing it once.


The New(ish)

Code Split
Lazy Load


Sending assets down in parallel

• Optimized for limited to no   roundtrips

• Only works well if you leverage it


Code Splitting

Splitting your application up in chunks to allow for multiple smaller assets to download

• Helps slim down extra code

• Improves loading

• Improves scripting

• Optimizes for HTTP/2


Lazy loading

Loading assets only when you need them.

• Do something only when you   need too

• Can be hard to track and code for


Our Strategy

  • HTTP/2 through Cloudfront
  • Dynamic imports
  • Each bundle < 300kb gzip
  • Preloading
  • Prefetching


Code Splitting Made EASY

By David Novicki

Code Splitting Made EASY

  • 144