

This presentation ended up being more condescending than I wanted.



Two ways to play:




Look for cool stuff!



Danger! Excitement! Winners and Losers!


Nxt went up like 10x in 2 weeks at one point

Ripple went up like 10x in 2 weeks at one point

Dogecoin went up a stupid-load at one point


Lots of opportunity for profit!

Lots more opportunity for pain!




Know the people, not the tech

People fall in love with dumb things

People fall in love with impossible technologies

The secret to gambling is to predict what people will get excited about.

Look For Cool Stuff!


Cryptocurrency is really hard.

Cool crypto is probably broken.

Worthwhile cool stuff is probably not crypto (tipping!)

Cool stuff might be overshadowed by dumb stuff for months or years

Unfortunate Reality

Bitcoin works the way it does for a reason.


Altcoins that change something simple about bitcoin are insecure.


Example: 10min block time

Unfortunate Reality


Most altcoins have significant security problems:


Ripple, Nxt, Peercoin, Darkcoin


And probably all of the rest of them too.

Proof of Work


Prove that you did useless stuff


People believe you

Proof of Stake


Prove that you own a bunch of coins


People believe you

Nothing at Stake


Blockchains are really dumb.


You can create conflicting blockchains


Nobody knows which blockchain is correct.

Potentially Cool Stuff


Monero - Ring Signatures


Ethereum - Turing complete!


Storj & Sia - Data Storage!

Altcoins and Common Sense

By David Vorick

Altcoins and Common Sense

  • 942