Ubuntu Core & Raspberry PI
Ubuntu Core
Snappy Ubuntu Core is a new rendition of Ubuntu with transactional updates - a minimal server image with the same libraries as today’s Ubuntu, but applications are provided through a simpler mechanism.
Snap Package
Snaps work on any distribution or device. Snaps are faster to install, easier to create, safer to run, and they update automatically and transactionally so your app is always fresh and never broken.
The public collection of snaps includes the latest and best apps from GitHub and beyond, so you have the whole world of Linux apps at your fingertips. Take the tour below to experience 'hello world' as a snap, or jump to the developer guide to create your own snaps.
A 'snap' is a universal Linux package
Snap Package
How about the UE of developers?
- Easy to create a build script
- Easy to upgrade and roll back
- Support many build plugins
- Easy to migrate from deb
- Lack of documentation
- Build tool unstable sometimes
- Two versions for Ubuntu?
A Demo
A simple web app to show device infomations
A Demo
snapcraft.yaml file:

A Demo
build & install

$ sudo snappy install nettools_1.0_armhf.snap
A Demo

E-mail: dawndiy.dev@gmail.com
Github: @dawndiy
Ubuntu Core and Respberry PI
By dawndiy
Ubuntu Core and Respberry PI
- 2,213