Growing up White in Apartheid South Africa

Lara Pienaar


South Africa


Pretoria - Jacaranda City

Pretoria - Jacaranda City


The House I Grew Up In

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Elementary School

High School

High School

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Around town...

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Street view

Springbok Park

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What I did not know...

? ? ? ? ? ? ? 

What I did not know...

School for black children

What I saw...


Separated people according to race and forbade them to:

- marry each other

- live next to each other

- go to school together

Meanwhile, "outside" of town...

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Deeper into the Truth

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Black Schools


Unrest in the land


As a teenager I was too wrapped up in my own world to pay attention to what was happening

I also believed my teachers and my parents' generation.  They spoke about how black people wanted to burn the schools down and destroy our country.

And I want to tell you the most amazing story about a boy called Henry.

It took courage for that boy to speak out and he took a risk and he was punished for it.

It took courage for those people to protest the system and many people lost their lives.

It's so much easier to close your eyes to what is wrong in society, focus on your own little world and say "I don't know" and "I trust the people in charge."

But let me tell you, just because you choose not to take responsibility for what happens in society does not mean you are not responsible.

As soon as you are eligible to vote, you are responsible for what happens. If bad things happen in your society, it is your problem, even if it doesn't affect you directly.

So what can you do?

  • Live your life
  • Be happy
  •  Examine your values
  • Resolve to speak out for your values
  • If you can't take big risks you can take smaller risks
  • Doing nothing when your values are violated, is self-violation

You all grew up with the Harry Potter books so you are familiar with the potential for adventure when good and evil clash.  And let me tell you, don't be fooled into thinking that evil does not exist. There are people in this world who are so greedy, they do not care who they hurt in their quest to satisfy their greed.  They use fear and ignorance to get what they want and they care only about themselves.  They are working for "the dark side".  You can fight the noble fight if you choose. Speak out, even if you are scared.

So, to sum up:

  • You have a duty to educate yourself
  • If you do nothing you're still doing something.
  • Determine your values.  Are you against animal cruelty?  If your answer is yes then say something or do something the next time you see cruelty.
  • Enjoy what you have but think deeply about your life and your place in this world.

Thank you!

Growing up White in Apartheid South Africa

By Rudolph Pienaar

Growing up White in Apartheid South Africa

What it was like growing up white (and privileged) in the waning years of Apartheid

  • 1,645