Gender Map
Paul Dechov
Fully client-side application
Original data across 5 Excel spreadsheets (422 MB total)
- Node script yields assets for client-side consumption
- companies.csv (2.2 MB / 765 KB gzipped)
- options.json with additional data (7 KB)
Grid Layout
- legible.width([width])
- legible.height([height])
- legible.minBoxHeight([minBoxHeight])
- legible.maxBoxHeight([maxBoxHeight])
- legible.minTextRatio([minTextRatio])
- legible.maxTextRatio([maxTextRatio])
- legible.spacing([spacing]) — default: 1
- legible.nodeAtPosition(x, y)
Grid Layout: Grouping
- legible.groupBy([groupBy])
Rendering the Grid
- DOM mode
- Absolute positioning of <div> elements
Conventional D3 manipulation
- Canvas mode
- Painted rectangles
- Layout's nodeAtPosition method for mouse events
Transitioning between modes
- canvas → DOM: enter "updating" elements beforehand
- DOM → canvas: exit "updating" elements afterwards
More about transitions
- Sequential phases: Exit, then update, then enter
- Staggered delays: Scale delay over a time interval
CSS transitions
Conventional D3selection
.delay(function(d, i) { return i * 10; })
.style('left', function(d) { return d.x + 'px'; });
The "native" way
.style('transition-property', 'all')
.style('transition-duration', 200 + 'ms')
.style('transition-timing-function', 'linear')
.style('transition-delay', function(d, i) { return i * 10 + 'ms'; })
.style('left', function(d) { return d.x + 'px'; });
Miscellaneous D3
- Boardroom
3D without CSS 3D: left, top, z-index
- Color legend
- Translate scale.domain() to a linear gradient
Numerical tween
Thank you!
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- Questions?
Gender Map
By dechov
Gender Map
- 1,158