Permanent dentures - best alternative for your missing teeth

Do you know that permanent dentures are one of the best alternatives for your missing teeth? Yes, you heard it right! Permanent dentures are removable and much cheaper than having a dental implant in Singapore.


There are some cases that the patient wanted to do the implant but the condition of the gums and mouth is not suitable for the procedures. That is why most of the doctors suggest having dentures rather than implants.


The advantage of dentures is that you will never experience the toothache you had during your childhood. It is removable and you can properly clean it without experiencing any pain.

There are different types of dentures. It can be made from acrylic and/or porcelain. It is good to have a dentist that will take care of your tooth. Coast Dental is here and ready to help you with your dental issues. Contact us now to book an appointment! Visit  to learn about treatments such as Tooth Implant Singapore

Permanent dentures - best alternative for your missing teeth

By Coast Dental

Permanent dentures - best alternative for your missing teeth

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