Data management on AVANSE
rEAL time data
AVANSE staff collect a lot of data in the field. These data form patterns and are used in a live reporting mechanism that helps guide decision making on the project.
Data flow
Data is constantly flowing on avanse
Data flow
Data is constantly flowing on avanse
The objective is to produce informative data and reports automatically derived from raw data input
Data flow
Data is constantly flowing on avanse
Four major project activities generate data that feed into a data management system
Data flow
Data is constantly flowing on avanse
The data management system converts raw activity data into actionable information
Data flow
Data is constantly flowing on avanse
Regular data cleaning is an important part of the process
farmer profile pages
FArmer profile pages
Farmer profile pages hold all touch-points between the project and the farmer
farmer profile pages
Easily retrieveable data on individual farmers and all the live data associated with each one helps the AVANSE team get a complete picture of a single farmer, and to do data-quality spot checks
farmer profile pages
Linking to the Parcel data managment system: APIS
parcel data mangement system
parcel data mangement system
Visualizaing Summary Data and Operational Tempo
Live Data and operational tempo
Live data visualizations show the rhythm of project activities
Live Data and operational tempo
These tools also let us zoom into a shorter time-span to see detail
A system wide dashboard shows raw totals and live charts by value chain, gender, and the number of new producers per month. The key is that none of the data visualizations require man-hours to make because all are live reflections of the data in the system
Live System dashboards
Live activity search by date time and location
Individual farmer activity is great, but sometimes we need to search by time, place, and value chain to see everything that is happening among all producers
Data quality
preventing duplicates from entering the system
Data quality is actively managed. Users are prevented from registering farmers that already exist in the system
preventing duplicates from entering the system
Data quality is actively managed. Users are prevented from registering farmers that already exist in the system
Cleaning data with open refine
Open refine is an open source tool that identifies possible duplicates, or messy data. These happen when we have misspellings or data-entry errors
data exports and reporting
quarterly data exports
custom indicator reporting
search and Data Entry
Visualization and reporting
Export data by
value chain
secondary data category
Indicator reporting on 8 indicators and each dis aggregation
commodity distribution patterns
maps of producer locations
system wide totals
Search by name, national id, many national IDs
Activity wide search - search by location and value chain for all project activity
Add edit or update:
applied technology
Merge farmers when duplicates are found
Discover shared national IDs
Monitor data entry team activity
Tiered access control
For questions contact AVANSE FtFN staff
Real Time Data
By deriggi
Real Time Data
- 632