Drama II Second Semester Final   

Did you enjoy your subjects story? Why or Why not? Explain. 

- Honestly, i did not. I thought it was a little boring and i understand maybe that was really exciting to them but for me it was not at all. I like more exciting or funny stories, and to me it was not either one. I just did not enjoy it that much at all. 

What was the hardest part about portraying your subject? Explain. 

- The hardest part to me was just everything in general. I could not get the voice or the hand motions down, i tried so many times and it just was frustrating. The hardest part though would be probably the voice though, even though it was all hard in general the voice was just so difficult to get down.   

What was the easiest part about portraying your subject? Explain.

- The easiest part would be just remember what is said throughout the entire thing, because it is easy to remember if you listen more and more.


Is this a type of performance you would ever want to do again? Explain.

- No! I honestly, do not like it. ( No offense) 

How do you feel you did portraying your subject through performance? Explain. 

- I feel like i did terrible, because i still have not been able to turn in the video because i keep re-doing it. It is just so frustrating. 

Do you see your subject differently after this project? Explain. 

- No, i see my subject the same as before. 
- I feel really negative on this project and i'm sorry, i just want to put that out there. Although, i just don't like it. 


Drama 2 semester final

By Desiree Carnelison

Drama 2 semester final

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