Devjeet Roy
Ziyi Zhang
Maggie Ma
Venera Arnaoudova
Sebastiano Panichella
Annibale Panichella
Danielle Gonzalez
Mehdi Mirakhorli

Improving the Readability of Automatically Generated Tests
Testing in Software Development
Manually written tests are resource intensive. Developers spend 25% of their time writing tests.
Tests are an essential part of SE.

First step towards quality control
Testing in Software Development
Researchers have proposed several tools to automatically generate tests.

Automatically generated tests have been shown to be:
- Effective at bug detection
- Complementary to manually written tests
Problem solved?
Well, not completely...
An Example
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void test040 throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder keycloakUriBuilder0 = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap0 = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI uRI0 = keycloakUriBuilder0.buildFromEncodedMap(hashMap0);
assertEquals("x", uRI0.getRawPath());
No documentation
Meaningless identifier names
An Example
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void test040 throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder keycloakUriBuilder0 = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap0 = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI uRI0 = keycloakUriBuilder0.buildFromEncodedMap(hashMap0);
assertEquals("x", uRI0.getRawPath());
Automatically generated tests often have poor readability
An Example
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void test040 throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder keycloakUriBuilder0 = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap0 = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI uRI0 = keycloakUriBuilder0.buildFromEncodedMap(hashMap0);
assertEquals("x", uRI0.getRawPath());
How can we improve it?
An Example
* 1. Creates a new KeyCloakUriBuilder "uri" from path
* 2. Creates a new HashMap and uses it to create a new URI "result" using
* method "buildFromEncodedMap" of "uri"
* 3. Checks if the raw path of "result" equals "x"
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void test040 throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder keycloakUriBuilder0 = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap0 = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI uRI0 = keycloakUriBuilder0.buildFromEncodedMap(hashMap0);
assertEquals("x", uRI0.getRawPath());
Add a summary that tells us what the test is doing
An Example
* 1. Creates a new KeyCloakUriBuilder "uri" from path
* 2. Creates a new HashMap and uses it to create a new URI "result" using
* method "buildFromEncodedMap" of "uri"
* 3. Checks if the raw path of "result" equals "x"
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void testEncodedPath throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder keycloakUriBuilder0 = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> hashMap0 = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI uRI0 = keycloakUriBuilder0.buildFromEncodedMap(hashMap0);
assertEquals("x", uRI0.getRawPath());
Generate meaningful test case name...
An Example
* 1. Creates a new KeyCloakUriBuilder "uri" from path
* 2. Creates a new HashMap and uses it to create a new URI "result" using
* method "buildFromEncodedMap" of "uri"
* 3. Checks if the raw path of "result" equals "x"
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void testEncodedPath throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder uri = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI result = uri.buildFromEncodedMap(map);
assertEquals("x", result.getRawPath());
... and meaningful variable names
Comprehensively improve the readability of automatically generated test cases.
High Level Method Summaries
Identifier Renaming
(Method Name + Variable Names)
Existing Work
Panichella et al. proposed TestDescriber

Generates detailed test case summaries for automatically generated unit tests
TestDescriber Example
* OVERVIEW: The test case "test11" covers around 2.0% (low percentage) of
* statements in "ArrayIntList"
public void test11() throws Throwable {
// The test case instantiates a "ArrayIntList" with the default
// configuration (initial capacity is 8)
ArrayIntList arrayIntList0 = new ArrayIntList();
// The next method call trim to size of "arrayIntList0"
// The execution of this method call implicitly covers the following 1
// conditions:
// - the condition "the size is less than data.length" is TRUE;
// The next method call trim to size of "arrayIntList0"
// The execution of this method call implicitly covers the following 1
// conditions:
// - the condition "the size is less than data.length" is TRUE;
// Then, it tests:
// 1) whether the size of "arrayintlist0" is equal to 0;
assertEquals(0, arrayIntList0.size());
Existing Work
Daka et al. proposed a technique to automatically generate descriptive names for automatically generated tests.

Daka et al Name Generation Example
public void test0 / testAddPriceReturningFalse() {
ShoppingCart cart0 = new ShoppingCart();
boolean boolean0 = cart0.addPrice(2298);
assertEquals(0, cart0.getTotal());
Comprehensively improve the readability of automatically generated test cases.
High Level Method Summaries
Identifier Renaming
(Method Name + Variable Names)
Method Level Summaries: Key Considerations
Aid developers in navigating automatically generated test suites
* 1. Creates a new KeyCloakUriBuilder "uri" from path
* 2. Creates a new HashMap and uses it to create a new URI "result" using
* method "buildFromEncodedMap" of "uri"
* 3. Checks if the raw path of "result" equals "x"
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void testEncodedPath throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder uri = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI result = uri.buildFromEncodedMap(map);
assertEquals("x", result.getRawPath());
What are test case scenarios?
* 1. Creates a new KeyCloakUriBuilder "uri" from path
* 2. Creates a new HashMap and uses it to create a new URI "result" using
* method "buildFromEncodedMap" of "uri"
* 3. Checks if the raw path of "result" equals "x"
@Test(timeout = 4000)
public void testEncodedPath throws Throwable {
KeycloakUriBuilder uri = KeycloakUriBuilder.fromPath("x");
HashMap<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
URI result = uri.buildFromEncodedMap(map);
assertEquals("x", result.getRawPath());
The series of steps that takes place in a unit test
What are test case scenarios?
Aid developers in navigating automatically generated test suites
Must be faster to parse through than actual source code
Test Case Scenarios
Method Level Summaries: Key Considerations
Method Level Summaries: Key Considerations
Remove irrelevant details
Calls method x of object y with arguments a, b and c.
Calls method x of y
Aid developers in navigating automatically generated test suites
Test Case Scenarios
Method Level Summaries: Key Considerations
Aggregate statements
Creates a new TCPConnection and checks its port.
1. Creates a new TCPConnection "connection"
2. Checks the port of "connection"
Aid developers in navigating automatically generated test suites
Test Case Scenarios
Detail Reduction + Statement Aggregation
Aid developers in navigating automatically generated test suites
Must be faster to parse through than actual source code
Test Case Scenarios
Method Level Summaries: Key Considerations
Identifier Renaming
Existing deep learning technique used for extreme code summarization by Alon et al, known as code2seq

Utilizes a path based representation of source code
Bi-Directional LSTM with attention, as proposed by Bahdanu et al.
code2seq example

Key Adaptations
Train on human written unit test cases collected from open source projects
Use only engineered projects for model training
Modified to use subword embeddings instead of subtoken embeddings to reduce vocabulary size and OOV problem.
Mask all method/variable names because their names in automatically generated tests are meaningless
One model each for variable name generation and test case name generation.
Human evaluation with 30 external and 6 internal developers
Evaluated using common criteria (conciseness, content adequacy etc) on a likert scale
Sample Question from Survey (Variable Name Evaluation)

Evaluation: DeepTC-Enhancer vs TestDescriber
DeepTC-Enhancer performs significantly better than TestDescriber in terms of readabality (p=0.01) and conciseness (p=0.02)
However, no statistical significant difference in terms of content adequacy
* OVERVIEW: The test case "test3" covers around 6.0% (low percentage) of
* statements in "Rational"
public void test3() throws Throwable {
// The test case instantiates a "Rational" with numerator equal to 1L,
// and denominator equal to 3215L.
// The execution of this constructor implicitly covers the following 1
// conditions:
// - the condition " denominator equals to 0L" is FALSE;
Rational rational0 = new Rational(1L, 3215L);
// The test case declares an object of the class "Rational" whose value
// is equal to the absolute value of "rational0"
Rational rational1 = rational0.abs();
// Then, it tests:
// 1) whether the numerator of rational0 is equal to 1L;
assertEquals(1L, rational0.numerator);
// 2) whether the denominator of rational0 is equal to 3215L;
assertEquals(3215L, rational0.denominator);
// 2) whether the float value of "rational1" is equal to 3.11041E-4F
// with delta equal to 0.01F;
assertEquals(3.11041E-4F, rational1.floatValue(), 0.01F);
* 1. Creates a 2 Rational objects, "rational0" and "rational1"
* 2. Checks the numerator and denominator of "rational0" and the
* float value of "rational1"
public void test3() throws Throwable {
Rational rational0 = new Rational(1L, 3215L);
Rational rational1 = rational0.abs();
assertEquals(1L, rational0.numerator);
assertEquals(3215L, rational0.denominator);
assertEquals(3.11041E-4F, rational1.floatValue(), 0.01F);
Evaluation: DeepTC-Enhancer vs Daka et al's approach
However, no statistical significance to this difference.
public void test13() throws Throwable {
ClassWriter classWriter0 = new ClassWriter((-18));
classWriter0.visitAnnotation("", false);
assertEquals(3, classWriter0.index);
Daka et al:
Evaluation: Variable Renaming
- Respondents rated the variable names generated by DeepTC-Enhancer to capture intent 83% of the time
Evaluation: DeepTC-Enhancer and Readability
80% of external developers reported that the enhancements performed by DeepTC-Enhancer resulted in an increase in readability
- 43% reported a significant improvement
- All internal developers reported an increase in readability with the increase being significant for 4/6.
- 73% of the developers indicated that they were likely to use DeepTC-Enhancer when using automatically generated tests
Evaluation: Feature Usefulness
Most useful features:
- External Developers - Test Case Scenarios
- Internal Developers - Variable Renaming
- External developers appreciate the high level summaries due to their unfamiliarity with the source code.
- Internal developers reported that the generated summaries did not fit the documentation guidelines for their project
Key Results
Individual aspects of DeepTC-Enhancer
test case names - no significant difference
DeepTC-Enhancer improves the readability of automatically generated test cases
External developers find the test case summaries as the most useful feature of our approach, while internal developers find variable renaming as the most useful feature
test case summaries - significantly better
variable names - no baselines
Future Work
Customizable documentation style for method level summaries
Task specific and larger scale evaluation
Technique Overview

By Devjeet Roy
- 1,569