Title Text

About today's game

15 minutes

Baby's first plants

How babies think about plants and non-living things

This game will be recorded (optional)

Today is [month/day/year]


My name is [NAME]


I give consent for my child [CHILD'S NAME] to participate in today's study.


I understand that I or my child may stop participation at any time.



Verbal Consent

You should not influence your baby's looking or not looking at the screen.

So, it would be helpful if you can close your eyes. But, I will show you what your baby see later if you want to. 

 We want to minimize the big distractions that are around, like pets, or siblings, or TV.

Your baby's face should be visible in the camera like this example:

Minimize video panel.

Your baby should not be able to see any of our faces or videos.

Minimize video panel.

Your baby should not be able to see any of our faces or videos.

Exp1 - Plant Condition 1

By devmind

Exp1 - Plant Condition 1

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