The Web for all. The power of Progressive Web Apps.

Staff Developer Advocate at 

Patricio Vargas (Pato)

  • Google Developer Expert on Web Technologies
  • Microsoft MVP
  • Auth0 Ambassador
  • AWS Community Builder
  • Postman Supernova
  • Twilio Champion
  • Media Developer Expert at Cloudinary
  • Women Techmaker


What is a PWA?


What is a PWA?

A PWA stands for Progressive Web Applications. PWAs are web apps that have the ability to be installed on your phone as a native app.



Who uses PWA?


What are the superpowers of a PWA?

PWA Superpowers

  • Instalability
  • SEO Friendly
  • Push Notifications
  • Performance
  • User Experience
  • Offline Experience
  • Payments: PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc
  • Multiplatform


What are the disadvantages of PWA

Disadvantages of PWA

  • Caching Can Be Dangerous
  • Less Access To System Features
  • No Review Standard
  • Apple Needs to catchup with the technology


Why did I fall in love with PWA?


My Story with PWA

  • PWA is in more than 120 countries
  • 1/5 Americans have products of our client
  • Reduced the number of server calls by 32%
  • Increased users by millions
  • Improved UX
  • Products were easier to be found on the web
  • PWA load time was ~3 sec
  • By 2019, the client was earning $8.8B 


Main Components



PWA Components

  • Web Applications
  • Manifest.json
  • Service Worker (sw.js, serviceWorker.js)


Web Applications



The manifest.json is a simple JSON file on your website that tells the browser about your website on the user's desktop or mobile device. The browser requires a manifest to display the Add to Home Screen message or icon.


Service Worker

A Service worker is a proxy script between your web app and the outside. Service Workers execute separately from the main browser thread.

Web App

Service Worker




What are the superpowers of a
Service Worker?

Service Worker superpowers 

  • Network requests.
  • Handle how network requests are done on your website.
  • Make use of the Background Sync API.
  • Cache things from your website.
  • Receive push notifications when the app is not active.
  • Stay inactive when it's not in use.
  • Used to make your app work offline.
  • Display an offline page in case of connection failure.
  • Capture offline metrics.
  • Perform load balancing in the client side.







Your resources are put in the cache before they are requested.

E.g Your web app start URL, offline fallback, and, key js and files


Pre-caching happens at the service worker install event at the cache first strategy



Runtime Cache

Runtime cache adds resources to the cache when they are requested.  Runtime caching works with different caching strategies and the resources are cached independently.


E.g a new cache named "images".





Service Worker Lifecycles




Registering the Service Worker

if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
    window.addEventListener("load", ()=>{
        navigator.serviceWorker.register("sw.js").then(swRegistered => {
            console.log("[ServiceWorker**] - Registered");



Installing the Service Worker

const cacheName = "my-pwa-shell-v1.0";
const filesToCache = [

self.addEventListener("install", e => {
    console.log("[ServiceWorker] - Install");
    e.waitUntil((async () => {
		const cache = await;
		console.log("[ServiceWorker] - Caching app shell");
		await cache.addAll(filesToCache);



Activating Service Worker

self.addEventListener("activate", e => {
    e.waitUntil((async () => {
        const cacheList = await caches.keys();
        await Promise.all(
   => {
            	// currentCache = "cacheVersion-1.0" , newCache = "cacheVersion-2.0"
                if (currentCache !== newCache) { 
                    return caches.delete(currentCache);



(Intercepting Network Call)

self.addEventListener('fetch', e => {
    e.respondWith((async () => {
        const resource = await caches.match(e.request);
        return resource || fetch(e.request);







Web App shorts - 30min

By Patricio Vargas

Web App shorts - 30min

  • 142