.NET Core 101

May 2020

History of .NET


Year .NET Version Visual Studio
2002 1.0 Visual Studio .NET
2005 2.0 Visual Studio 2005
2007 3.5 Visual Studio 2008
2010 4.0 Visual Studio 2010
2012 4.5 Visual Studio 2012
2015 4.6 Visual Studio 2015
2016 Core 1.0/1.1
2018 Core 2.1/2.2 Visual Studio 2017
2019 4.8, Core 3.0/3.1 Visual Studio 2019


General concept


Key concepts

  • Managed code: .NET code is executed by a runtime, the Common Language Runtime (CLR). Build action will produce Intermediate Language (IL) that will be executed by the CLR thanks to the Just-In-Time compiler
  • Open source: all .NET Framework and CLIR code is available in GitHub
  • Cross platform: .NET Core can run on Linux, MacOS, Windows
  • Free: .NET SDK & Runtime, Visual Studio 2019 Community

C# language


Java + C++ = C#

Package management with NuGet

Official repository

Visual Studio


Visual Studio Installer is your friend!



Get Started!

Hello world console

.NET Core 101

By Bertrand Thomas

.NET Core 101

Presentation of .NET Core

  • 353