Dhrumil Mehta
Database Journalist, Politics @ FiveThirtyEight
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If you have any questions, just raise your hand 🖐!
Welcome! Let's get rolling!
Hello, my name is...
Associate Prof. of Journalism @ Columbia U.
Deputy Director of Tow Center
Visiting Associate Prof of Public Policy @ Harvard Kennedy School
and my name is...
Data Reporter/ Developer @ The Philadelphia Inquirer
- Install Party
- Meet Dhrumil & Aseem
- Meet each other! (Introductions & Survey Responses)
- Syllabus Overview
- Data Journalism: Possibilities And Limitations
- Project Brainstorming
- Homework Overview
Associate Prof. @ Columbia Graduate School of Journalism
Deputy Director @ Tow Center for Digital Journalism
Visiting Associate Prof. @ Harvard Kennedy School
Database Journalist, Politics @ FiveThirtyEight
Database Journalist, Politics
Internal Workflows
Reports Election Results
Lets readers see results that FiveThirtyEight deems unexpected
Expectations are calibrated before results ever start coming in.
Computationally analyzing text to better understand media and political environments.
I have a research interest in text analysis
Take a second to write down a bit about who you are!
But there's a catch!
You have 5 minutes to create a 5-questions to get to know one other person in the room who you will have to introduce to the class
You will be split into:
1) Survey Makers
2) Interview Takers
Survey Makers (5 question survey)
Multiple Choice
Which of the following reporting topics interests you most? (1) Healthcare (2) Education (3) Agriculture
On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being most sure. How sure are you about what your thesis project will be about?
Are you an interested in New York City issues?
1-phrase Answer
Where did you grow up?
Interivew Takers
5 open-ended interview questions
Step 1: Send your questions to your partner via Slack:
Step 2: Answer the questions that were sent to you via Slack
Live Coding
(unless I get nervous or we are short on time)
Pay special attention to:
- [ ] The questions I ask of the dataset
- [ ] What I do when I don't know some code or forget how to do something
- [ ] What statistical or visual treatments I chose to apply and why
Find a partner
Chat about your ideas
Toss them in our brainstorm doc
By Dhrumil Mehta
Saying hello to students