Polls Database

An Intro (or update if you've been here a while)

The stack

  • Ruby on Rails App
    Rails 4
  • Postgres Database
  • Deployed on Ec2 using Dokku
  • Separate Ec2 for updates

The Data Structure

  • Poll
  • Pollster
    Organization that did the polling
  • Sponsor
    Organization that paid for it
  • Pollster Rating
    Pollster Rating Object, may be tied to multiple pollster objects
  • Pollster Name
    For Scrapers


  • There are exceptions to the "Pollster" vs "Sponsor" distinction. For example, Fox News polls are actually conducted by Beacon Research (D) + Shaw and Company Research (R).


  • Pollster <--> Poll is one-to-one relationship instead of a many-to-one, so when pollsters collaborate, we create a new pollster for that.
  • We don't have the distinction between a pollster and a "survey house" like HuffPost's data structure does

The Data Structure

  • Question
    One poll has many questions
  • Question.type
    VotingQuestion, SecondChoiceVotingQuestion, ApprovalQuestion, FavorabilityQuestion
  • Answer
    VotingAnswer, AlternateAnswer, FavorabilityAnswer, ApprovalAnswer
  • Crosstab (new)
    category: "strength", value: "somewhat", answer_id: 624669, pct: 3.0


  • Crosstab is only currently used for favorability questions. It can be expanded if we start collecting more crosstabs, but will need an update before we use it for anything else.



  • Question.type versus QuestionType...Approval Questions have subtypes, which are stored in the QuestionType object

The Data Structure

  • Politician
    A person (biographical info imported from VoteSmart in many cases)
  • Candidate
    A person, in a particular year, running for a particular office, in
  • Office
    Organization that paid for it
  • Matchup
    Pollster Rating Object, may be tied to multiple pollster objects
  • Race (new)
    For Scrapers


  • Matchup is mostly a residual table from before we had Race. We keep the table around since it makes some queries a little faster, and so we don't have to modify a bunch of old code...but it may go away.


Recent (-ish) Updates


Pipeline to Interactives


  • Devops
  • Optimization
  • Debugifying
  • Refactoring old code
  • Living documentation
  • 100+ Open Tickets


  • Store releases and articles, index them, and make them full-text searchable

cure to link-rot, good resource for political writers, becomes a valuable archive


What's your polls db fantasy?

Polls Database

By Dhrumil Mehta

Polls Database

  • 268