Hello,  my name is...


Dhrumil Mehta (he/him)

Associate Prof. of Journalism @ Columbia U.

Deputy Director of Tow Center

Visiting Associate Prof of Public Policy @ Harvard Kennedy School





Tow Center

What is Data Journalism?

Empirical Social Science on a Deadline?

Types of Data Stories

Counting Stuff

Answer a question with data

Support/Oppose a hypothesis

Identify a Phenomenon

Identify a Phenomenon

Debunk or Justify Conventional Wisdom

Data-Driven Profile

Lack of Data

Data driven investigative work

Dig for Data

Provide relevant context

Build our own dataset

  • With Code / Scrapers
  • By Hand
  • By Survey Tool

Archiving Data

Explain Calculations

Use Innovative Methodology

Use data to inform traditional reporting

The Rare Datapoint

Challenging Official Data

Huge Data Dump

  • Uber
  • Election Results
  • Census

Acts of Journalism

Data-Driven Storytelling




Data Scraping / Cleaning / Structuring

Building a Database


News Quiz


Internal Workflows



Lets readers see results that FiveThirtyEight deems unexpected

Expectations are calibrated before results ever start coming in.

Open Data



Quantitative Editing

Types Of Data Stories

By Dhrumil Mehta

Types Of Data Stories

  • 163