From local to deployable : building Elixir "The Hard Way"
Thomas Depierre
Diana Olympos
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- B2B
- Big Company ™
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- Founded 1947
- New organisation : Ascential Makers
- Elixir for everything in the backend
What is this "Build" thing ?
How does you code go from "work on my machine" to "running" ?
- I build a docker container, i push and i run it
- PR merged, then it is automatically deployed on Heroku
- I don't know, it is an Ops problem
That may be ok, but know why you are cutting some steps
- "Work on my machine"
- Git(hub)
- (Test)
- Target configuration
- Build step
- Artifact stored
- Generate runtime config
- Bundle with Artefact or at runtime
- Move, unbundle, set up
- Run
- Target configuration
- Build step
- Artifact stored
- (Generate runtime config)
- (Bundle config with Artefact)
Docker ?
- Built to solve another problem
- Quite good at cutting through some steps
- It is a "dark debt"
- May be worth it
- But do not see it as a solution.
Mix in production ?
Why mix ?
Risk surface
Dead code
Not easy to integrate in a runtime
Special for you know who you are :
mix phx.server
server: true
mix run --no-halt
Goals :
- Easy start and stop
- Logs
- Self contained
- as much as possible
- configurable target
- same code
- different artefact
- bake in some config
Answers :
- start and stop
- Logs (runerl)
- Self contained
- BEAM ?
- NIFs ?
- OpenSSL ?
- Releases
Configurable target
- Full elixir script
- version
- BEAM or not
- hooks
- runtime config
- etc
There is only one real solution, two folded :
- caching
- incremental compilation
Caching :
mix deps.get
- based on mix.lock
- per architecture
mix deps.compile --all
based on mix.lock
- per architecture
- Beware with umbrellas
Incremental :
mix deps.get
- incremental
mix deps.compile --all
mix compile
but ... caching ?
does it really matters...
macros and use...
Storing the Artefact
Mostly will depend of your deployment strategy :
- .deb
- tarball
- Docker
- Zip of source code
- ... git ...
Storing the Artefact
Up to you, depends of your use case.
- S3
- GCP equivalent
- Your own file system
- Docker repository
- Artifactory
- Mix of these
- ...
Runtime config
- Secrets?
- Environment variables ?
Google SRE Release Engineering
- Most of the stuff are here
- Yes cutting corner is ok
- But know why
- It may be far from your usual stuff
- Avoid ad hoc build every time
- ie, "the Docker Way"
Bonus : Versioning
- Version your build please
- Multiple solutions here
- Whatever is your scheme, stick to it
git tag
You can version in distillery dynamically
set version
- File path or file on disk
- Not in an env var only please (exception for dotenv)
Bonus : Build Environment
- Docker make sense here
- But it is really hard to cache that thing...
- Especially the low levels
- Caching in Docker is really basic
- I do not have a perfect solution yet
- Nix ....
- Guix ...
Thank You
Questions ?
From local to deployable : building Elixir the Hard Way
By di4nao
From local to deployable : building Elixir the Hard Way
What are the options to build elixir, why release, what are the different steps and phase in a build, how to handle assets, an overview of the existing tools around building.
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