Dynamic Observability: Introduction to Dynamic Tracing in Elixir
Thomas Depierre
Diana Olympos
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The art of asking questions
The art of not making hypotheses
Writing software that works in production is really close to the art of debugging
To be able to ask questions, you need tools to answer
Debugging in production
If noone touch your system, how long will it still run ?
Debugging everyday is what keep your system running
Production is the best place where you can get meaningful information about your system
- logs
- events/tracing
- metrics
- Before the fact
- Alerting/Pulse checking
- BEAM is great at this too
- But less out of the box
- Big out there
- Dynamic :
- debugger
- dynamic tracing
- ps
- netstat
- Reactive
- Debugging
- BEAM is great at this ...
- Rare because it means incident or resilience.
But i has logs
I can just go check my logs ! I am going to grep it with regex !
- Logs are noisy
- Logs are heavy
- Logs are hard to query
- Logs can contain Personal Data
- Logs are expensive on your machines
PS: use ripgrep
But i has debugger
I can just run it under a debrgger! I am going to check what is happening !
- Debuggers are bad at concurrency
- They stop the world
- Heavy runtime cost
- Need to run under the debugger
- Not in prod!
Dynamic Tracing!
- Get events from any function
- Two dimensions to attach to
- PID spec
- Trace pattern
- Works for every single function in the BEAM
- "For free"*
- Intrinsinc to the BEAM
- Meant for use in prod
- Nothing to add, available right now
How to use ?
:dbg.tracer(:process, {fn _, 5 -> :dbg.stop_clear()
msg, n -> IO.inspect(msg); n+1 end, 0})
:dbg.tpl(Enum, :map, [])
:dbg.p(:all, :c)
# With trace
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
# No more trace
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Urgh what ?
- Not super intuitive
- Can overload the machine
- Send information in logs
- Really low level
Let's bring a dependency
Erlang in Anger
:recon_trace.calls({Enum, :map, :_}, 5)
# With trace
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
# No more trace
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
With Recon
Ok but just input ?
- Two parts to a Trace Pattern
- Module, Function, Arity
- Match Spec
- guards
- matching like a function head
- ActionFunction like return_trace()
- Hard to write by hand
Let's bring a dependency, Ex2ms
import Ex2Ms
# Ex2Ms define the "fun" macro
match_spec = fun do _ -> return_trace() end
:recon_trace.calls({Enum, :map, match_spec}, 10)
# With trace
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
# No more trace
Enum.map([1,2,3,4], & &1 + 1)
With Recon
Thank You
Questions ?
Live Demo :)
Dynamic Observability. An Intro to Dynamic Tracing in Elixir
By di4nao
Dynamic Observability. An Intro to Dynamic Tracing in Elixir
- 611