The 11th React Native &

5th Flutter Meetup

WiFi- Tinyconf


Digvijay Wanchoo

A. Manager, Marketing &

Communication, GeekyAnts


Your Host

WiFi Password!

GeekyAnts 5.0 : GeekyAnts9

Previously on...

International Conferences is our Thang!

An open-source UI component library for React Native.

Current standing at 12,098 GitHub

100k+ downloads every month.

The technology behind the official Paralympics 2018 App.

A cloud based design tool that codes in React Native for you.

Introduced at React Native Europe, 2017.

Support for Flutter in Roadmap.


Nativebase Market.

TaskMan App

House Rental App

Taxi App

How we

We Wrote a Part of the Flutter Docs Specific for React Native Devs

Flutter Market.

E-Commerce Starter Kit

Food Ordering App

Dating UI App

Experiments that Blow Minds, not Things!

To-Do app with Hasura

Galaxy 2D Game

Tinder Card Swipe Animation

Dating App Theme

Our First Web Dashboard in HummingBird


Method Channels and Event Channel

Sagar Suri, Android Engineer at Mutual Mobile

How to Create and Publish Proper pub Package for Flutter and Dart.

Ganesh S P, Software Technologist at Phillips


The rise of Declarative UI and the Fall of Templates.

Sanket Sahu, CEO at GeekyAnts







Animation In Flutter

Sumant Raj, SE at GeekyAnts


How to build a Serverless App.

Kiran Rawat, Software Engineer at GeekyAnts


The Why and How of Automation.

Chaitanya Deorukhkar, React Native Developer at Unifize







At Last...

Keep the movement to a minimum between talks.

Get to know each other and network.

Piracy is a punishable offence.

Silent your phones.

Code of Conduct

Try not to DROP YOUR DEVICES, cause that's just clumsy.

Tweet with #rnblr & #flutterblr


Connect with us!


Don't be shy. Enjoy the show!

RN+Flutter 2019

By Digvijay Wanchoo

RN+Flutter 2019

  • 227