#23 - Zero To One



19th January, 2020

10AM- 5PM

WiFi- GeekyAnts Meetup

Password- Meetup2020Jan

Digvijay Wanchoo

A. Manager,

Marketing & Communications,



What we do…

Build Mobile Apps, Web Apps and everything in and around them.


Delivered 300+ products, serving over 200+ Clients


70% Services, 30% Products.



...and more


Vue Native

The Simplicity Of  Vue In The React Native Space

Vue Native


Framework to build cross platform native mobile apps using Vue.js.

Open Source.

6,377 Github stars.

Recognized by Evan You, creator of Vue.Js

Contributors are welcome!

Let the learning begin

Connect with us!


Vue Bangalore 2020

By Digvijay Wanchoo

Vue Bangalore 2020

  • 331