
Lambda Expressions
Example: SmartArray



  • Concept of type parameters
  • Defer spec of 1+ types until class or method is instantiated
  • public class GenericList<T>{
        void AddInput(T input) { .. }
    class Program {
       private class SomeClass {}
       static void Main() {
          GenericList<int> list1 = new GenericList<int>();
          GenericList<string> list2 = new GenericList<string>();
          GenericList<SomeClass> list3 = new GenericList<SomeClass>();

Generics #2

  • Maximize code reuse, type safety and performance
    • No run-time casts or boxing operations
  • Create generic interfaces, classes, methods, events and delegates
  • Constrain to certain data types
  • Generic collection classes: most common usage
  • .NET holds generic collection classes in 
    • System.Collection.Generic
  • Use reflection to get information on generic data types at run-time

Generics #3

where T : struct // T must be value type
where T : class  // T must be reference type
where T : new()  // T must have public parameterless constructor
where T : <base class name> // T must derive from specified base class
where T : <interface name>  // T must implement interface
where T : U // T must be or derive from parameterized U

// E.g. 
class EmployeeList<T> where T : Employee, IEmployee, new() { .. }

class Base { .. }
class Test<T,U>
     where T : struct
     where U : Base, new() 
{ .. }



  • Step through collections
  • Use return yield statement to return each element at a time
  • When yield return is reached, current position is remembered
  • Execution is restarted from that location the next time
  • Can be used in foreach statement or LINQ query
  • static void Main() {
      foreach(var num in someNums()) {
    public static IEnumerable someNums() {
       yield return 3;
       yield return 5;
       yield return 9;

Iterators #2

static void Main() {
   Days days = new Days();
   foreach(var day in days()) { 
      Console.Write(day + "  ");

public class Days : IEnumerable {
   private string[] days = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue",... };

   public IEnerumator GetEnumerator() { 
      for(int i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
          yield return days[i];



  • Reference to methods with parituclar parameter list and return type
  • Associate instance with any compatible method
  • Call, invoke method through delegate instance
  • Used to pass methods as arguments to other methods
    • Event handlers
  •  public delegate int PerformCalc(int x, int y);

Delegates #2

public delegate void Del(string message);

public static void DelegateMethod(string message) { // ... }
public static void DelegateMethod2(string message) { // ...}

static void Main() {
   Del handler = new Del(DelegateMethod);   Del handler2 = DelegateMethod2;


   MethodWithCallback(1,2, handler);

public void MethodWithCallback(int param1, int param2, Del callback) {
   callback("Params: " + param1 + param2);

Delegates #3

Anonymous methods
delegate void Del(int x);

Del d = delegate(int k) { // ... };

MethodWithCallback(1,2, delegate(string str) { // ... });



  • Notify subscribers on certain events
  • Publisher: class that sends events
  • Subscriber: receive events and perform operations
  • Event can have multiple subscribers
  • Subscriber can handle multiple events from multiple publishers
  • Events without subscribers are never raised
  • E.g. Button clicks in GUI, network application, ...
  • In .NET events are based on the EventHandler delegate and EventArgs base class

Lambda Expressions

Lambda Expressions

  • Anonymous functions
  • Helpful in many cases (e.g. LINQ queries)
  • Lambda operator =>
  • Input params on the left side
  • Expression or statement block on the right side
  • delegate int del(int i);
    static void Main() {
       del myDelegate = x => x + x;
       int j = myDelegate(5); // j?

Lambda Expressions #2

(x,y) => x == y

(int x, string s) => s.Length > x

() => SomeMethod()

n => { string s = n + " World"; Console.WriteLine(s); };

int outerVariable = 3;

i => { return outerVariable + 5 }; 



  • Language-integrated query (LINQ)
  • Queries are first-class language constructs
  • static void Main() {
        int[] primeNums = new int[] { 2, 3, 5, 7,... };
        IEnumerable<int> primNumsGT10 = 
            from primeNum in primeNums
            where primeNum > 10
            select primeNum;
        foreach(int p in primNumsGT10) {
        // 11, 13, 17, ...


  • Query describes what data to retrieve from given data source
  • Also specify shape and organization of returned data
  • Data sources
    • SQL database table
    • ADO.NET DataTable
    • XML file
    • In-memory collection
  • For the application there is only
    • IEnumerable<T> or 
    • IQueryable<T>
  • E.g. IEnumerable<XElement> for LINQ to XML


Query can do 3 things

    1. Retrieve subset, produce new sequence without modifying elements (incl. sort and group)
    2. Retrieve subset, transform them to new type of object
    3. Retrieve singleton value about data source
    • E.g. num elements

    LINQ #4

    • Query expression consists of a set of clauses
      • written in declarative syntax similar to SQL
    • Each clause contains 1+ C# expressions
      • May also be query expressions
    • Begin with a from clause
    • Must end with a select or group clause
    • Inbetween there are optional clauses
      • where
      • oderby
      • join
      • let
      • additional from clauses

    LINQ #5

    • Query variable
      • variable that stores the query
      • does not hold the results
    • LINQ expression not evaluated immediately
    • var query = from ....... ; // query variable query
      // query gets evaluated here, d hols result elements
      foreach(var d in query) {
        // ...


    Thank you for your attention! 


    By dinony


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