App Structure
Statements, Expressions, Operators
Example: Bubble sort
Example: Sieve of Eratosthenes
App Structure
Minimal App
using System;
namespace BasicApp
class App
static void Main()
- Type definition holds app logic
- Application Object: Class that holds the Main method
Main Method
static void Main()
// code ...
static int Main()
// code ...
return 0; // returns integer
static int Main(string[] args)
var t = args[0]; // process command-line arguments
// code ...
return 42;
Main Method #2
Entry point of .exe program
- Declared inside class or struct
- Must be static
- Should not be public (default: private)
- Enclosing class/struct not required to be static
- Either void or int return type
- With or without string[] parameter
Typical C# Project
- Consists of 1+ files
- Each file has 0+ namespaces
- Namespace contains other namespaces or holds types
- classes
- structs
- interfaces
- enumerations
- delegates
- C# strongly-typed language
- Variables have a type
- Expressions that eval to values have a type
- Method signature specifies types
- input params are typed
- return value is typed
- .NET class library defines
- built-in numeric types
- complex types
- file system
- network connections
- collections
Types #2
Type provides information for the compiler
- Max/Min values
- Members (methods, fields, events, ...)
- Base type
- Location where memory will be allocated at runtime
- Stack vs. heap
- Operations that are supported
Types #3
Compiler checks
int x = 5;
int y = x - 2; // compiler allows subtraction
bool foo = true;
int z = x + foo; // allowed?
Explicit/Implicit types
// Explicit type
int[] digits = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
// Implicit type
var limit = 100; // compiler infers integer
Types #4
After variable declaration
- no redelaration with new type
- cannot assign incompatible value
Values can be converted to other types
- Compiler performs type conversion when no data loss
- Conversion with data loss requires cast!
int x = 0;
float x = 3.0f; // redeclaration
int y = 2.3f; // incompatible type, requires cast
int z = (int) 4.4f; // ok, with explicit cast!
float w = 1; // auto type conversion
Built-in/Custom Types
Set of built-in numeric types (in .NET)
- integers
- floating point values
- boolean values
- text chars
- decimal values
- Custom types
- Use struct, class, interface or enum
Common Type System (CTS)
Two important aspects of .NET types
Supports inhertiance
- Derive from a base class
- Derived class inherits members (with restricitons)
- Build up an inhertiance hierarchy
- All types ultimately derive from System.Object
- C# keyword: object
- Each type in CTS is either value or reference type
- Struct types - value types
- Class types - reference types
Value/Reference Types
Have different compile-time rules and run-time behaviour
- Value Types
- variables directly hold their values
- No heap allocation (no overhead, fast)
- Struct, Enum
- Value types are sealed (cannot be base class)
- Reference Types
- Defined as class, interface, delegate or array
- Allocated on managed heap
- Variable holds a reference to the location of the object
- Cleaned up by garbage collection
- Support inheritance
- Boxing converts a value type to the object type
- Wrapped in System.Object and allocated on heap
- Boxing is implicit
int x = 3; object o = x; // box x into o, move from stack to heap
- Unboxing extracts value from the object
- Unboxing is explicit
object o = 123; int x = (int) o; // Explicit unboxing
- Notable for performance!
- Everything that is performed by a program
- variable declarations
- value assignments
- method calls
- looping through collections
- branching, etc...
- Control flow: order of the statements that are executed
- Statement is
- either single line statement that ends on semicolon
- or series of single line statements in a block enclosed in { ... }
- blocks may be nested
Declaration Statements
Introduces new variable or constant
// Variable declaration
double d;
// Declaration with assignment
double f = 2;
// Constant declaration statement
const double pi = 3.14159;
Expression Statements
Statements that calc a value have to store the value in a variable
// Expression statement stores value in a
a = 3.14 * (radius * radius);
// what happens here?
b * 3;
// Method invocation
// Expression statement create new object
List<string> names = new List<string>();
Selection Statements
Branch to different blocks of code depending on a condition
bool cond = false;
} else {
// Else statement is optional
if(cond) { ... }
// If statements are nestable
if(cond1) {
if(cond2) {
} else { ... }
} else { if(cond3) { ... } }
Selection Statements #2
int curCase = 4; switch(curCase) { case 1: System.Console.WriteLine("Case 1!"); break; case 2: System.Console.WriteLine("Case 2!"); break; case 42: System.Console.WriteLine("Case 42!"); break;
default: System.Console.WriteLine("Any other case..."); break; }
Iteration Statements
Repeatedly perform something
// For loop
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ... }
// Foreach loop
int[] digits = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
foreach(var i in digits) { ... }
// While loop
int i = 0;
while(i < 6) { ... ; i++; }
// Do-while loop
i = 0;
do { ...; i++; }
while(i < 6);
Jump Statements
Jump control flow to other block of code
- Return Statement
- Terminates current method and returns to calling method
- Optional return value
- If return value is void type, return statement not needed
- Break Statement
- Terminates closest enclosing loop or switch statement
- Pass control flow to next statement
- Continue Statement
- Pass control to the next iteration of the current loop statement
- Sequence of 1+ operands and 0+ operators that eval to a single value, object, method or namespace
- Consist of literal value, method invocation, operator and operand or simple name
- Simple name could be variable name, type member, method parameter, namespace or type
(x > 0) && (x < 25) // evaluates to what? // Expression as method param System.Convert.ToInt32("35");
Operator is applied to 1+ operands in expression or statement
int y = 0; // unary operator (++) y++; // unary operator (new) var t = new A(); // binary operator (+,-,*,/) int z = 2 + y; // conditional operator (:?) takes three operands var b = z > 0 ? true : false;
Store multiple variables of same type
// Array declaration of size 4
int[] array1 = new int[4];
// Set array elements
int[] array2 = new int[] { 1, 5, 7, 9 };
// Alternative syntax
int[] array3 = { 1, 5, 7, 9 };
// 2 dim array
int[,] array4 = new int[3,3];
// 2 dim array with init
int[,] array5 = new int[] { { 2, 4, 5}, { 1, 3, 6} };
// Jagged array
int[][] array6 = new int[6][];
array6[0] = new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
Arrays #2
- Single, Multidimensional or Jagged
- Dimensions cannot be changed during lifetime
- Default numeric array elements are zero
- Default reference elements are null
- Jagged array is an array of arrays (reference type)
- Arrays are zero indexed
- Array with n elements
- Array elements from 0 to n-1
- Array elements can be of any type
Code Example
(Bubble Sort)
Code Example
(Sieve of Eratosthenes)
Thank you for your attention!
C# Basics
By dinony
C# Basics
- 451