


JDBC Drivers

Multi-tier Architecture

JDBC Basics


  • JDBC: Java Database Connectivity
  • Goal: bindings for most SQL servers
  • JDBC as a call-level-interface for SQL servers
  • SQL calls
    • Either as string
    • Embedded SQL (ESQL)
  • Return values / sets ready to use in Java
  • ESQL
    • Keywords for SQL commands in Java
    • Preprocessor translates ESQL into valid Java code

JDBC Architecture

  • Driver types
    • Define connection, instruction and result classes
    • 4 different types
  • Type-1
    • ODBC driver is available
    • JDBC-ODBC-Bridge
  • Type-2
    • ODBC driver and additional custom drivers available
  • Type-3
    • JDBC driver is written entirely in Java but dependent on a middleware
  • Type-4
    • JDBC driver written in Java, calls directly translated

Multi-tier App & SQL-2 Entry Level

  • Multi-tier apps and drivers
    • 2 tier architecture: Client - Server
    • 3 tier architecture: Client - App Server - DB Server
    • Type-1, Type-2 driver require locally installed and configured software (ODBC or manufacturer driver)
    • Type-3, Type-4 driver do no require such configuration
  • SQL-2 Entry Level
    • Every DB has own SQL dialect
    • JDBC driver implementation must at least implement SQL-2 Entry-Level-Standard 

Load Driver & Connection

// Load / specify driver

// Get connection object
// Requires connection string
//     consists of different parts
//       jdbc url, sub protocol, db name, etc...
  • Connection
  • First a connction to the DB is required
  • Load & initialize DB drivers
  • Create connection type via driver manager
  • Connection is kept open

Connection Object & Instructions

  • Connection
    • Allows creation of instruction objects
    • Change global DB settings
    • Close method closes the connection
    • Or automatically closed by garbage collector
  • Instructions
    • All queries or changes are issued via instructions
    • Create some sort of Statement object
    • Statement object may be used to execute a query or update
    • Return type is either numerical or a set of DB elements
    • Statement objects are usually expensive (!)


  • With the Statement object queries may be issues via executeQuery method
  • Pass valid SQL instruction string
  • Returns a ResultSet, which is similar to an Iterable
    • provides a next method
    • provides get methods to access certain data


  • SQL-DDL-Instructions (Data Definition Language)
  • Return value is numerical value (number of elements that are updated)
  • For DDL instructions return value is always 0

SQL Exception & SQLWarning

  • SQLException
    • Thrown if SQL instruction fails
      • E.g. connection error, syntax error in instruction
    • getErrorCode returns manufacturer specific error code
    • getSQLState returns intern SQL state
    • getNextException allows iterating over chained exceptions
  • SQLWarning
    • Never thrown, provided by getWarnings
    • Supported by Connection, Statement and ResultSet classes





Handbuch der Java-Programmierung

(5. Auflage)






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By dinony


Java Database Connectivity

  • 172