Cordova and mobile development

Dmytro Golysh



  • Cross-platform compatibility.

  • You don't have to learn any new languages if you're already a decent web developer

  • It's very quick to prototype

  • If you so wanted to, you can bypass the app store by hosting the files on a server, and utilize app cache to make things speedy. Changing your app is just changing a web page and its cache manifest file or service workers.

  • Managing images for multiple devices is a lot easier with CSS and media queries than it is for an iOS xcode project and an Android project with its ldpi, hdpi, xdpi, and whatever dpi.

  • Easier to create vector graphics to design spec

  • You can write mobile SPA site and use it like mobile application.

  • Crosswalk WebView


  • There are a lot of mobile devices out there with varying hardware, platform difference, and network speed
  • Can be not so fast and responsive than native apps
  • It can not be used for specific topic like: Game development

Set up:

npm install -g cordova

Android = JDK + Android SDK

iOS = Xcode

BlackBerry WebWorks SDK + Native SDK

Windows: Visual Studio 

Common commands:

cordova create path [id [name [config]]] [options]
cordova build [<platform> [...]]
cordova run [<platform> [...]]
cordova platform add [<platform> [...]]
cordova serve [port]



Let's code




By Dmytro Golysh


For MP

  • 717