Message Queue for telemetry transport

You know Facebook Messenger ?

Do you know what is hapening when you click on send ?
What are mobile and IoT challenges ?

- small bandwith networks (3G,Edge,GPRS)
- not reliable network (tunnel, building)
- filtering equipements (Nat, firewalls)
- push notification (incoming messages, config)
- small and portable (arm, x86, java, C, C#, js)
Why Mqtt is a solution ?

- Network efficient - 10KB / hour
- Reliable - Manage QoS
- Build over TCP
- Manage publish & subscribe
- Implemented on every platform and languages
MQTT architecture
![]() |
Client side

- Client is maintaining open communication with broker
- Client is publishing messages over topics
- Client is subscribing to topics
- Client implementations :
- Eclipse Paho
- Java, C, Javascript
- dotNET, Objective-C, C++
- Ruby, tcl, perl, rexx, pyhton, php, lua, dart, actionscript
- Platform - Arduino, mbed, android, raspberry ...
Communication mode

- One to One
- One to Many
- Many to One
- Many to Many
Client sample code
void on_message(struct mosquitto *m, void *user_data, const struct mosquitto_message *msg) {
fprintf(stderr, "Message from %s is %s\n", msg->topic, (char*)msg->payload);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct mosquitto *client; int ret;
client = mosquitto_new("client-id", true, NULL);
ret = mosquitto_connect(client, "", 1883, 60);
ret = mosquitto_subscribe(client, NULL, "my/topic/to/subscribe", 0);
mosquitto_message_callback_set(client, on_message);
while (MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS == mosquitto_loop(client, -1, 1));
Let's talk a little bit more about MQTT

- Mqtt has been developped by IBM and Arcom/Eurotech in the late 90's
- Since 2011 adopted by Eclipse Fundation as part of M2M strategy.
- Mqtt is now becoming an OASIS standard.
Now take a look to some details
- Message format
- Topics
- QoS
- Security
Message format
- Messages are plain text... use what you want!
import mosquitto
client = mosquitto.Mosquitto("test-client")
client.publish("my/topic", "{\"type\":\"integer\",\"value\":\"5\"}", 1)
client.publish("my/topic", "Hello world", 1)

- Basically a topic is a queue
- Tree organization of group of sensors
- Like house / floor / room / sensor
- Allows to design filter easily with Wildcard "+" and "#"
- Anyone can publish in one topic or more
- Anyone can subscribe to a topic or more

- QoS0 - At most one delivery, message can be lost
- QoS1 - At least one delivery
- QoS2 - Exactly one delivery
- Means MQTT stack manages resubmission regarding QoS

- Security is made at topic level - rights & Authentification
- Level 0 - no security
- Level 1 - Simple user / password security
- Level 2 - SLL communication / authentication
Demo time
Why choosing MQTT


By disk91
- 5,451