• Challenges of Building Enterprise Apps in 2024

    At scale everything breaks. All the Angular and React in the world can't help, when even laws of physics break down at different scales. Qwik is an upcoming new framework to build web applications with O(1) scalability. It forgoes hydration in of favor resumability and embraces server-side-rendering in a seamless/magical way. Qwik has plans to implement React and Angular integrations in the future, so this is definitely a framework to watch and experiment with.

  • Intro to Qwik: The Answer to Web App Scalability Issues

    At scale everything breaks. All the Angular and React in the world can't help, when even laws of physics break down at different scales. Qwik is an upcoming new framework to build web applications with O(1) scalability. It forgoes hydration in of favor resumability and embraces server-side-rendering in a seamless/magical way. Qwik has plans to implement React and Angular integrations in the future, so this is definitely a framework to watch and experiment with.

  • Five Ways to Make Sure Your Angular Code is Agile

    Almost everyone is doing Agile these days, however true agility comes from disciplined coding practices and flexible implementation choices. I’ll go over five ways to make sure your Angular code is agile. I’ll show you a few examples of iterative and incremental implementation. Then how to design your code leveraging Object-oriented principles, so it’s open to extension, but closed to modification. A sage advice on component libraries, testing smartly, and finally how you should think thrice and (no joke) code less.

  • Crafting Reliable and Testable Code with TypeScript

    It can be daunting to pick the right stack to deliver your idea to the cloud. Without realizing, you can introduce one too many "sandbag of complexity" between you and something you can release. It is possible to do full-stack development with a consistent set of tools and best practices using the same language, JavaScript. No more to context switching between front-end and back-end languages, libraries, and tools. However, it is important to not to dig yourself into a hole. My easy to learn and use stack 'Minimal MEAN' will get you started and deployed on the cloud over a lazy weekend, without requiring a MongoDB install, while leveraging the latest tools like async/await with Typescript, Angular and Node.

  • Minimal MEAN: All About the Stack

    It can be daunting to pick the right stack to deliver your idea to the cloud. Without realizing, you can introduce one too many "sandbag of complexity" between you and something you can release. It is possible to do full-stack development with a consistent set of tools and best practices using the same language, JavaScript. No more to context switching between front-end and back-end languages, libraries, and tools. However, it is important to not to dig yourself into a hole. My easy to learn and use stack 'Minimal MEAN' will get you started and deployed on the cloud over a lazy weekend, without requiring a MongoDB install, while leveraging the latest tools like async/await with Typescript, Angular and Node.

  • Angular Evergreen

    The Angular team releases new versions of Angular frequently. Each release nudges your codebase to be compliant with the next major release. In addition to receiving security and bug fixes, you next upgrade happens much quicker as a result. This is the Angular Evergreen motto.

  • An Agile Way to Architect Web Apps

    The key ingredients to architecting for scalability are thinking router-first, keeping it simple, mastering the fundamentals and being reactive. A router-first approach to SPA design saving development teams significant waste in duplicative work, and re-architecting of the codebase; enabling better collaboration and achieving sub-second first meaningful paints in your application

  • Architecting Angular Apps for Scalability

    The key ingredients to architecting for scalability are thinking router-first, keeping it simple, mastering the fundamentals and being reactive. A router-first approach to SPA design saving development teams significant waste in duplicative work, and re-architecting of the codebase; enabling better collaboration and achieving sub-second first meaningful paints in your application

  • Angular: Reactive Forms

    Reactive forms are the best way to write forms in Angular. In this workshop, we will implement a multi-step form with varied inputs including reusable form groups, date pickers, drop-downs with type-ahead support, form arrays, custom form controls with input masking implementing ControlValueAccessor and doing validation as your form spans multiple components.

  • Minimal MEAN 2

    It can be daunting to pick the right stack to deliver your idea to the cloud. Without realizing, you can introduce one too many "sandbag of complexity" between you and something you can release. It is possible to do full-stack development with a consistent set of tools and best practices using the same language, JavaScript. No more to context switching between front-end and back-end languages, libraries, and tools. However, it is important to not to dig yourself into a hole. My easy to learn and use stack 'Minimal MEAN' will get you started and deployed on the cloud over a lazy weekend, without requiring a MongoDB install, while leveraging the latest tools like async/await with Typescript, Angular and Node.

  • The Agile Way to Architect Web Apps

    A router-first approach to SPA design saving development teams significant waste in duplicative work, and re-architecting of the code base; enabling better collaboration and achieving sub-second first meaningful paints in your application

  • Excella Labs Community Board

    Excella Labs Community Board

  • Router-First Architecture in Angular Apps

    A router-first approach to SPA design saving development teams significant waste in duplicative work, and re-architecting of the code base; enabling better collaboration and achieving sub-second first meaningful paints in your application

  • Agile PT18: Shipt It or It Never Happened

    Shipping code is hard and it is rough! It doesn't have to be. Using Docker, Heroku and CircleCI you can set up a world-class Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipeline in an hour with advanced functionality like Heroku preview apps, provisioning servers on-demand for to scale and containers that leverage layering to enforce Enterprise requirements, while giving developers access, flexibility and speed to get their work done. With duluca/minimal-node-web-server docker image and how you can tailor it to build your micro-services or web servers in a matter of minutes using Docker and deploy your web app on the cloud.

  • Ship It or It Never Happened

    Shipping code is hard and it is rough! It doesn't have to be. Using Docker, Heroku and CircleCI you can set up a world-class Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipeline in an hour with advanced functionality like Heroku preview apps, provisioning servers on-demand for to scale and containers that leverage layering to enforce Enterprise requirements, while giving developers access, flexibility and speed to get their work done. With duluca/minimal-node-web-server docker image and how you can tailor it to build your micro-services or web servers in a matter of minutes using Docker and deploy your web app on the cloud.

  • How to Build Web Apps with Angular 4 & Material 2

    What are the similarities and differences between Angular and React? Why and when should you use one versus the other?

  • Angular vs React Architecture (High Contrast)

    What are the similarities and differences between Angular and React? Why and when should you use one versus the other?

  • Angular vs React Architecture

    What are the similarities and differences between Angular and React? Why and when should you use one versus the other?

  • Do More With Less: Full Stack TypeScript

    It can be daunting to pick the right stack to deliver your idea to the cloud. Without realizing, you can introduce one too many "sandbag of complexity" between you and something you can release. For the first time ever it is possible to do full-stack development with a consistent set of tools and best practices using the same language, JavaScript. No more to context switching between front-end and back-end languages, libraries and tools. That is The JavaScript Promise. My easy to learn and use stack 'Minimal MEAN' will get you started and deployed on the cloud over a lazy weekend, without requiring a MongoDB install, while leveraging the latest tools like async/await with Typescript, ng2, Node v6.

  • Angular vs React

    What are the similarities and differences between Angular and React? Why and when should you use one versus the other?

  • Minimal MEAN

    It can be daunting to pick the right stack to deliver your idea to the cloud. Without realizing, you can introduce one too many "sandbag of complexity" between you and something you can release. For the first time ever it is possible to do full-stack development with a consistent set of tools and best practices using the same language, JavaScript. No more to context switching between front-end and back-end languages, libraries and tools. That is The JavaScript Promise. My easy to learn and use stack 'Minimal MEAN' will get you started and deployed on the cloud over a lazy weekend, without requiring a MongoDB install, while leveraging the latest tools like async/await with Typescript, ng2, Node v6.

  • ASP.NET 5 vs iojs

  • The JavaScript Promise

    With Agile development becoming more and more wide spread. Developers are expected to know and be able to work the full stack of an application and get things done quickly. Consistent forward flow of features are only possible, if technical impediments are minimal. However, it is very difficult for one person or team to employ best practices across multiple technologies and platforms. For the first time ever it is possible to do full-stack development with a consistent set of tools, using the same language. No more to context switch between front-end and back-end languages, libraries and tools. That is The JavaScript Promise. I've synthesized 'A Hapi LEBRON' stack using Angular, Node, Hapi.JS, LevelDB, Browserify, NPM, Bower and Gulp to simplify the development process. I focused on keeping the barrier to entry low, attempting to break down skill silos and eliminate developer context switching between languages, libraries and tools. Angular and Node together can enable a full-stack JavaScript solution, but it's not trivial to keep the stack straight forward enough for all skill levels. I'd like to talk about how anyone can jump in and start creating complete solutions easily.

  • Why JavaScript?

    Have lingering questions about why you should be using full-stack JavaScript for your next project? The answers are in here.

  • Tech Talk DC Intro

  • Agile Done Right: Using JavaScript and Node

    Agile development is difficult. Teams can often miss their delivery goals, unsustainable pace can result in developer fatigue and technological bottlenecks can make it impossible to deliver a sane and high quality end product. When done right Agile can enable your team to deliver consistent forward flow of features in a sustainable manner. To achieve this goal you must use technologies that discourages skill silos, are easy to work with and allow for straightforward application of Agile Engineering Best Practices. JavaScript and Node.JS are the perfect set of technologies that can organically grow within your organization and existing code base utilizing a RESTful architecture. With JavaScript being the language of the web and the web, the OS of this decade, it is essential to effectively utilize these technologies to unlock the full potential of your team, allow for greater flexibility and reduce risk.

  • Node.js Tools for Visual Studio and Azure

    An introduction to Node.JS, it's future and how it can be integrated to existing enterprise solutions by standardizing on RESTful APIs. Introducing Node.JS Tools for Visual Studio, which makes it easy to start using Node in an existing .NET environment. Continuing the discussion with the benefits of using Microsoft Azure and ease of deploying a Node server on Azure.