Doguhan Uluca PRO
Author of the best-selling Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Apps. Google Developers Expert in Angular. Agile, JavaScript and Cloud expert, Go player.
By Doguhan Uluca
Agile development is difficult. Teams can often miss their delivery goals, unsustainable pace can result in developer fatigue and technological bottlenecks can make it impossible to deliver a sane and high quality end product. When done right Agile can enable your team to deliver consistent forward flow of features in a sustainable manner. To achieve this goal you must use technologies that discourages skill silos, are easy to work with and allow for straightforward application of Agile Engineering Best Practices. JavaScript and Node.JS are the perfect set of technologies that can organically grow within your organization and existing code base utilizing a RESTful architecture. With JavaScript being the language of the web and the web, the OS of this decade, it is essential to effectively utilize these technologies to unlock the full potential of your team, allow for greater flexibility and reduce risk.