Doguhan Uluca PRO
Author of the best-selling Angular for Enterprise-Ready Web Apps. Google Developers Expert in Angular. Agile, JavaScript and Cloud expert, Go player.
By Doguhan Uluca
With Agile development becoming more and more wide spread. Developers are expected to know and be able to work the full stack of an application and get things done quickly. Consistent forward flow of features are only possible, if technical impediments are minimal. However, it is very difficult for one person or team to employ best practices across multiple technologies and platforms. For the first time ever it is possible to do full-stack development with a consistent set of tools, using the same language. No more to context switch between front-end and back-end languages, libraries and tools. That is The JavaScript Promise. I've synthesized 'A Hapi LEBRON' stack using Angular, Node, Hapi.JS, LevelDB, Browserify, NPM, Bower and Gulp to simplify the development process. I focused on keeping the barrier to entry low, attempting to break down skill silos and eliminate developer context switching between languages, libraries and tools. Angular and Node together can enable a full-stack JavaScript solution, but it's not trivial to keep the stack straight forward enough for all skill levels. I'd like to talk about how anyone can jump in and start creating complete solutions easily.