
where we 

experiment & collaborate

where we 

ask questions, learn & teach

open to everyone, 

at anytime!


Keep an open door policy at all times.

Regular Events

Open to everyone, at any time. Contact POC for invites.

Specialty Area Meetings Day Time POC
.NET 1st Wednesday on
Odd Months
  5:00 pm Sean Killeen
DevOps 2nd Tuesdays Monthly 12:00 pm Wyn Van Devanter
Java Last Wednesdays
12:00 pm Ci-Ci Thomson
JavaScript 3rd Wednesdays
  5:00 pm Alex Hoffman
Ruby 3rd Thursdays
12:00 pm Dane Weber
Python 1st Tuesdays on Even Months   5:30 pm Mike Brown

Active Projects

Want to help? Contact POC.

Project Name Description POC
Homebase Homestretch client database. Noura Saad
Excella Central Mobile app for Excellians to learn more about each other. Matt McHugh
Labs Space (this room) Establish use and purpose of the room. Doguhan Uluca Showcase experiments, community engagement & thought leadership. Stephen Brody
Twitter Azure Analytics Stream analytics, Azure Functions, PowerBI, visualization dashboards. Alex Slotte

Active Projects

Want to help? Contact POC.

Project Name Description POC
Agile Toolkit Agile tools using microservices and a JavaScript PWA. Alex Hoffman
Truck Safety Coalition Data Viz/Mart for truck accidents Amanda Makulec
ALS Association Data science Patrick Smith
To add or remove a project, contact Doguhan Uluca.


Want to learn more? Contact POC.

Project Name Description POC URL
Excella Retro Web app to facilitate Scrum retrospectives. Sam Blissard
Fraud Detection Engine Patrick Smith
To add or remove a project, contact Doguhan Uluca.

Excella Labs Community Board

By Doguhan Uluca

Excella Labs Community Board

Excella Labs Community Board

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