Dom Taylor

Philosophy, Religion, and French, Spanish, & Italian Librarian 

Father Harold Drake Library and Elizabeth Dafoe Library

Catholic Studies Subject Guide

Annotated Bibliography

CATH 1190-A01

January 23, 2017

Annotated bilbliographies

Bibliography: An alphabetical listing of research sources in a particular citation format (e.g., APA 6th edition)

Annotations: Notes or comments

For this assignment

  1. Two references listed in APA format.
  2. Three sentences describing/paraphrasing each source.
  3. Three sentences explaining the relevance of each source.

Part 1 of Assignment: Create a proper citation

What are some parts of the catalogue record for your textbook that are good to be aware of?


  • Author(s): Stewart, C.
  • Publication date: 2008
  • Title: The Catholic Church : A brief popular history
  • Publisher: Anselm Academic
  • Location: Winona, MN

Stewart, C. (2008). The Catholic Church : A brief popular history. Winona, MN: Saint Mary's Press.

Book citation example

What are some parts of the catalogue record for Kelley's (2006) article that are good to be aware of?

Journal articles

  • Author: Kelley, N.

  • Publication date: 2006 (we had to do a bit of digging)

  • Article title: Philosophy as training for death : Reading the ancient Christian martyr acts as spiritual exercises

  • Journal title: Church History

  • Volume # and issue #: 75(4)

  • Pages: 723-747

  • DOI (digital object identifier): 10.1017/S0009640700111813

  • Peer Review/Refereed: Yes. It is listed near the top heading.  

Kelley, N. (2006). Philosophy as training for death :

Reading the ancient Christian martyr acts as spiritual exercises. Church History, 75(4), 723-747. doi: 10.1017/S0009640700111813


If there is no DOI, add the following information after the page #s. "Retrieved from"

This should not be hyperlinked in your list

Article citation example

Part 2 of Assignment: Describe the source in 3 sentences. 

Paraphrasing is a key skill for this!

  • Putting an author's writing into your own words AND structure with the intention of adding clarity and/or demonstrating understanding.
  • Giving credit to an author's idea (e.g., sentence, paragraph, chapter or article) 
  • Not just rewording. Not just reordering. BOTH + some insight.

Paraphrases should include the following information

Author, date, page #  
(Moss, 2013, p.131)
Author, date  
(Moss, 2013)


** Although APA does not require page #s for paraphrases, it is good practice to include page #s when it is possible. Ask your instructors.

"The death of a Christian or group of Christians might be unjust, but it is not persecution as it has traditionally been defined"(Moss,2013,p.162).


Paraphrasing example

"The death of a Christian or group of Christians might be unjust, but it is not persecution as it has traditionally been defined"(Moss,2013,p.162).


Moss argues that we have to re-evaluate the standard understanding of the Christian persecution (2013,p.162). While Christians may have been maltreated,this does not mean they were technically persecuted (Moss,2013,p.162).


Paraphrasing example

  • UoM APA Quick reference guide

= online

APA Resources

Create a draft annotated bibliography in groups of 3

In-class workshop

  • With resources available to you, including the APA handout and instructors, try to create a proper citation for example source.
  • Using what we discussed about paraphrasing describe the source in a few sentences.
  • Outline a few reasons why the source is relevant to your podcast assignment


Dom Taylor

Religion and Social Work Librarian

Father Harold Drake Library and Elizabeth Dafoe Library

Catholic Studies Subject Guide



Catholic Studies 1190-A01: Annotated Bibliography Workshop

By Dom Taylor

Catholic Studies 1190-A01: Annotated Bibliography Workshop

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