
On Saturday morning, at 3:30 am, Police Chief Bean got a call from Kim Jong-Un. He said that something was stolen from the Louvre Museum. The guards were knocked out during the robbery. Chief Bean called in his elite police force. Your job, as the head investigator, is to head down to the crime scene and find out what was stolen and by whom.

You arrive at the museum...

You meet Police Chief Bean

“Go collect clues to figure out what happened last night”

You walk into the lobby...

You meet a Security Guard...

If someone broke in, then they must have stolen something. What did they take?

They took the Mona Lisa

You walk into the main hall...

You meet another guard...

There was a taser found on the ground. If the taser was found near me, then the taser must have stunned me. But if the taser was not found by me, then it was not used to stun me.  

You walk into the Mona Lisa Room...

You meet 2 cops...

There is a batarang in the wall. If there is a batarang, then Batman must have been here.

That is false. Someone else could have thrown a batarang.

You go back outside...

You talk to Chief Bean...

Looks like Batman was here.

If Batman was here, he must have committed the crime

That is false. Batman could have been trying to stop the crime.

You talk to a witness...

What do you know?

It was dark out side so I could not see his face clearly. I could only see that the criminal looked 5 feet 9 inches tall and was wearing Batman’s suit.

Batman is 6 feet 2 inches tall. If the criminal was 5 feet 9 inches tall, then it could not have been Batman.

You talk to Chief Bean...

The criminal was only 5 feet 9 inches but Batman is 6 feet 2 inches. It could not have been him.

Go check the security cameras to see if the criminal was caught on camera. If the cameras are disabled, then the screens will be blank.

You go the security room...

The screens are blank. If the screens are blank, then the criminal disabled the security cameras. 

You go back outside...

You meet Batman...

But if you did steal the Mona Lisa, then your suit was not missing.

I was not at the scene of the crime. My batsuit went missing from my batcave last night. If my suit was missing, then I could not have worn it to steal the Mona Lisa. 

If someone stole your bat suit, then they had access to your bat cave.

That means that if they didn’t have access to my batcave, then they couldn’t have stolen my batsuit which makes all but one person a suspect.

Who has access to the batcave besides you?

Alfred, my butler.

You talk to Chief Bean...

It was Alfred!

Then let’s go get him.

You, Chief Bean, and Batman are outside the cell that holds Alfred

You're outside the Police Station...

Thanks again for helping catch the criminal.

Batman, why would you need a butler?

My friend Bruce lets him come over and clean up sometimes.

The End

Mystery Story

By Joshua John (Double J)