Better tests with fongo

Doug Roper


Fake Mongo.
In memory.
Crazy fast.
Awesome logging.

Fongo + Untestable -> Testable.
Fongo + Testable -> Better.

how do we unit test collections?

def afterAll() = clinicalDataCollection.collection.drop()
def beforeEach() = clinicalDataCollection.remove()
def testSavingMeasurements = { val measurements = ... clinicalDataCollection.saveMeasurements(measurements) val persisted = clinicalDataCollection.find( assert(persisted === measurements) }

test on jenkins

Install Mongo on Jenkins.

No isolation.

  • src/it/test
  • one job per mongo



mocks are brittle

class PonyService(...) {  def bestPony(): Pony = ponyDAO.find(bestQuery).head}

@Test def testPonyService() {
  val mockPonyDAO = mock[PonyDAO]
  when(mockPonyDAO.find()).thenReturn(Seq(new Pony("Pinkie Pie")))

  val service = new PonyService(mockPonyDAO)

  val pony = service.bestPony()
  assert( === "Pinkie Pie")

Fake > Mock

Build failed

1. bad code


2. bad test


Better tests with fongo

By Doug Roper

Better tests with fongo

  • 1,800