Kount Faster

Make Risk team: better, faster, stronger!


Dorian - Engineering

Catherine - Risk

Sharon - Analytics and Insights

Mann - Product

So what's the problem?

"380,000 Passengers Affected By 'Malicious' British Airways Hack" Forbes.com


In today's world our risk team is at capacity and working 365/7 and seeing thousands of transactions a day


Cumbersome, non user friendly complicated tool


Current World:

Risk team be like:

Current process:

  1. Log in to WinSCP to access the Excel spreadsheet generated by Kount
  2. Upload spreadsheet into team folder 
  3. Download spreadsheet
  4. Run spreadsheet macros and apply additional manual colouring
    1. Takes anywhere up to 15 minutes
  5. Sheet consists of ~140,000 rows
  6. Sheet consists of 125 columns

Future World

  1. Download spreadsheet from Kount
  2. Upload to Kount-Faster, let it process.. 
  3. Kount-Faster ranks and group suspicious transactions with key indicators that Risk cares about
  4. If fraudulent and actionable, click to get a detailed view
  5. Output consists of 20K rows
  6. Output consists of 20 columns



Easier for risk to get access and assess transactions


Reduces workload


Provides a simpler way to add enhancements and improvements





For v2.0...

  • Ensure data compliance, especially around storage.
  • Automate collection of reports from Kount
  • Explore opportunities to use machine learning to improve on fraud checks and rules.
  • Port over all existing business rules.
  • Add simple editing and adding of new business rules.



Kount Faster - Final

By Dorian Pula

Kount Faster - Final

  • 1,368