Kount Faster
Make Risk team: better, faster, stronger!
Dorian - Engineering
Catherine - Risk
Sharon - Analytics and Insights
Mann - Product
So what's the problem?
"380,000 Passengers Affected By 'Malicious' British Airways Hack" Forbes.com
In today's world our risk team is at capacity and working 365/7 and seeing thousands of transactions a day
Cumbersome, non user friendly complicated tool
Current World:

Risk team be like:
Current process:
- Log in to WinSCP to access the Excel spreadsheet generated by Kount
- Upload spreadsheet into team folder
- Download spreadsheet
- Run spreadsheet macros and apply additional manual colouring
- Takes anywhere up to 15 minutes
- Sheet consists of ~140,000 rows
- Sheet consists of 125 columns
Future World
- Download spreadsheet from Kount
- Upload to Kount-Faster, let it process..
- Kount-Faster ranks and group suspicious transactions with key indicators that Risk cares about
- If fraudulent and actionable, click to get a detailed view
- Output consists of 20K rows
- Output consists of 20 columns
Easier for risk to get access and assess transactions
Reduces workload
Provides a simpler way to add enhancements and improvements
For v2.0...
- Ensure data compliance, especially around storage.
- Automate collection of reports from Kount
- Explore opportunities to use machine learning to improve on fraud checks and rules.
- Port over all existing business rules.
- Add simple editing and adding of new business rules.
Kount Faster - Final
By Dorian Pula
Kount Faster - Final
- 1,368